Marcus Iunianus Iustinus

Marcus Iunianus Iustinus fuit epitomator Latinus qui florilegium extraxit ex opere Cn. Pompei Trogi historico. De aevo Iustini non satis constat: aliqui saeculo III p.C.n. ponunt, nonnulli saeculo IV.

Epitome historiarum Trogi Pompeii

Nexus externi |

  • Textus apud The Latin Library .mw-parser-output .existinglinksgray a,.mw-parser-output .existinglinksgray a:visited{color:gray}.mw-parser-output .existinglinksgray{color:#ba0000}.mw-parser-output .existinglinksgray{color:#a55858}

  • Textus et versiones apud Forum Romanum (situs interretialis)
    (Latine, Anglice, Francogallice, Hispanice)

  • Textus

  • Textus

  • Versio Anglica

  • Versio Anglica

Bibliographia |

  • T.D. Barnes, "Two Passages of Justin" in Classical Quarterly vol. 48 (1998) pp. 589-593

  • Iohannes Albertus Fabricius, Bibliotheca Latina (Hamburgi: Schillerus, 1712) textus pp. 528-533

  • Paul Jal, "A propos des Histoires Philippiques: quelques remarques" in Revue des études latines vol. 65 (1987) pp. 194-209

  • Franciscus Ruehl, ed. M. Iuniani Iustini Epitoma historiarum Philippicarum Pompei Trogi. Lipsiae: Teubner, 1915.

  • Franciscum Ruehl, Otto Seel, edd. M. Iuniani Iustini Epitoma historiarum Philippicarum Pompei Trogi; accedunt prologi in Pompeium Trogum. Lipsiae: Teubner, 1985.

  • Otto Seel, Eine römische Weltgeschichte. Erlangen, 1972

  • Otto Seel, transl. Pompeius Trogus. Weltgeschichte von den Anfängen bis Augustus. Turici, 1972

  • Ronald Syme, "The Date of Justin and the Discovery of Trogus" in Historia vol. 37 (1988) pp. 358-371

  • Ronald Syme, "Trogus in the H.A.: some consequences" in Institutions, société et vie politique dans l'empire romain au IVème siècle (Lutetiae, 1992) pp. 1-20

  • J. C. Yardley, transl. Waldemar Heckel, ed. Justin, Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus. Books 11-12: Alexander the Great. Oxonii: Clarendon Press, 1997

  • John Yardley, Justin and Pompeius Trogus: A Study of the Language of Justin's Epitome of Trogus. Toronti: University of Toronto Press, 2003. ISBN 978-0-8020-8766-9

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Haec stipula ad biographiam spectat. Amplifica, si potes!

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