
Showing posts from February 14, 2019

width of colorbox

3 I was wondering if there's a way to set the length of a colorbox. For example: As you can see, the right edge of the box is a bit too much (and the left edge too), and I just want the edges to exactly fit the text. The two right square brackets have too much of a space in between them (looks like ] ]),but my hope would be something more like ]]). This is my current code. documentclass{article} usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} usepackage{times} usepackage{framed, color} definecolor{shadecolor}{gray}{0.85} title{} author{} date{} begin{document} section{Example} [textsubscript{CPtextsubscript{2}} Ming4zai2 colorbox{shadecolor}{[textsubscript{CP} laa3 [textsubscript{TP} textit{t} zau2-zo2]}] end{document} Can anyone help improve this? Thanks!