how to iterate through dictionary in json object and convert it into csv [on hold]
I have json file which i want to convert into csv how can i do that.
json object contains:
{'accountId': '001603869857',
'jobName': 'test_Kobe',
'results': {'items': [{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.5657',
'content': 'From'}],
'end_time': '0.47',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.6518',
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'content': 'Star'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
'content': 'Game'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': None, 'content': '.'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': None, 'content': '.'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': None, 'content': '.'}],
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'content': "It's"}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': None, 'content': '.'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.7233',
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'content': 'memorable'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': None, 'content': '.'}],
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'end_time': '12.03',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': None, 'content': '.'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.839',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.9992',
'content': 'one'}],
'end_time': '14.1',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': None, 'content': '.'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.6381',
'content': 'If'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.6308',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.6306',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.9993',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': None, 'content': '.'}],
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'speaker_label': 'spk_1',
'start_time': '13.02'}],
'speakers': 2},
'transcripts': [{'transcript': 'From weekend All Star Game is '
"over. It's time to get back down "
"to business. You can't get that "
"championship. It's fun. Weekend "
"memorable. It couldn't be "
'scripted any better. May be my '
"last one. If this it'll be a hell "
'of a DVD.'}]},
'status': 'COMPLETED'}
[This is the expected result]
python csv json
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put on hold as off-topic by Mark.F, Simon Larsson, tuomastik, Esmailian, Siong Thye Goh 16 hours ago
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- "This question does not appear to be about data science, within the scope defined in the help center." – Mark.F, Simon Larsson, tuomastik, Esmailian, Siong Thye Goh
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add a comment |
I have json file which i want to convert into csv how can i do that.
json object contains:
{'accountId': '001603869857',
'jobName': 'test_Kobe',
'results': {'items': [{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.5657',
'content': 'From'}],
'end_time': '0.47',
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'type': 'pronunciation'},
{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
'content': 'weekend'}],
'end_time': '1.0',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.6518',
'content': 'All'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.6515',
'content': 'Star'}],
'end_time': '1.35',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
'content': 'Game'}],
'end_time': '1.56',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': None, 'content': '.'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.9779',
'content': "It's"}],
'end_time': '3.12',
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'type': 'pronunciation'},
{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.9991',
'content': 'time'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
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'content': "can't"}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': None, 'content': '.'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': None, 'content': '.'}],
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{'end_time': '16.44',
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{'end_time': '15.52',
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{'end_time': '15.59',
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{'end_time': '15.76',
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{'end_time': '15.84',
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{'end_time': '15.93',
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{'end_time': '16.44',
'speaker_label': 'spk_1',
'start_time': '15.94'}],
'speaker_label': 'spk_1',
'start_time': '13.02'}],
'speakers': 2},
'transcripts': [{'transcript': 'From weekend All Star Game is '
"over. It's time to get back down "
"to business. You can't get that "
"championship. It's fun. Weekend "
"memorable. It couldn't be "
'scripted any better. May be my '
"last one. If this it'll be a hell "
'of a DVD.'}]},
'status': 'COMPLETED'}
[This is the expected result]
python csv json
New contributor
Nikhil is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
put on hold as off-topic by Mark.F, Simon Larsson, tuomastik, Esmailian, Siong Thye Goh 16 hours ago
This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:
- "This question does not appear to be about data science, within the scope defined in the help center." – Mark.F, Simon Larsson, tuomastik, Esmailian, Siong Thye Goh
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.
I think your JSON example is not valid JSON. Could you provide the valid JSON code?
– MachineLearner
18 hours ago
It's better to ask this question at your question is just a programming problem rather than data science
– Alireza Zolanvari
18 hours ago
add a comment |
I have json file which i want to convert into csv how can i do that.
json object contains:
{'accountId': '001603869857',
'jobName': 'test_Kobe',
'results': {'items': [{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.5657',
'content': 'From'}],
'end_time': '0.47',
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'end_time': '1.0',
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'content': 'All'}],
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'content': 'Star'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
'content': 'Game'}],
'end_time': '1.56',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
'content': 'over'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': None, 'content': '.'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.9991',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
'content': 'get'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.962',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.9999',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': None, 'content': '.'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': None, 'content': '.'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': None, 'content': '.'}],
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{'end_time': '16.44',
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{'end_time': '14.25',
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{'end_time': '14.75',
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{'end_time': '15.39',
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{'end_time': '15.52',
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{'end_time': '15.59',
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{'end_time': '15.76',
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{'end_time': '15.84',
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{'end_time': '15.93',
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{'end_time': '16.44',
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'start_time': '15.94'}],
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'start_time': '13.02'}],
'speakers': 2},
'transcripts': [{'transcript': 'From weekend All Star Game is '
"over. It's time to get back down "
"to business. You can't get that "
"championship. It's fun. Weekend "
"memorable. It couldn't be "
'scripted any better. May be my '
"last one. If this it'll be a hell "
'of a DVD.'}]},
'status': 'COMPLETED'}
[This is the expected result]
python csv json
New contributor
Nikhil is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
I have json file which i want to convert into csv how can i do that.
json object contains:
{'accountId': '001603869857',
'jobName': 'test_Kobe',
'results': {'items': [{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.5657',
'content': 'From'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.6518',
'content': 'All'}],
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'content': 'Star'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
'content': 'Game'}],
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'type': 'pronunciation'},
{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
'content': 'is'}],
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'content': 'over'}],
'end_time': '2.01',
'start_time': '1.66',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': None, 'content': '.'}],
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.9779',
'content': "It's"}],
'end_time': '3.12',
'start_time': '3.02',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '0.9991',
'content': 'time'}],
'end_time': '3.29',
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'type': 'pronunciation'},
{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
'content': 'to'}],
'end_time': '3.35',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
'content': 'get'}],
'end_time': '3.48',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
'content': 'back'}],
'end_time': '3.66',
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'type': 'pronunciation'},
{'alternatives': [{'confidence': '1.0',
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{'alternatives': [{'confidence': None, 'content': '.'}],
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'start_time': '13.02'}],
'speakers': 2},
'transcripts': [{'transcript': 'From weekend All Star Game is '
"over. It's time to get back down "
"to business. You can't get that "
"championship. It's fun. Weekend "
"memorable. It couldn't be "
'scripted any better. May be my '
"last one. If this it'll be a hell "
'of a DVD.'}]},
'status': 'COMPLETED'}
[This is the expected result]
python csv json
python csv json
New contributor
Nikhil is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
New contributor
Nikhil is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
edited 16 hours ago


Simon Larsson
New contributor
Nikhil is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
asked 23 hours ago
New contributor
Nikhil is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
New contributor
Nikhil is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
Nikhil is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.
put on hold as off-topic by Mark.F, Simon Larsson, tuomastik, Esmailian, Siong Thye Goh 16 hours ago
This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:
- "This question does not appear to be about data science, within the scope defined in the help center." – Mark.F, Simon Larsson, tuomastik, Esmailian, Siong Thye Goh
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.
put on hold as off-topic by Mark.F, Simon Larsson, tuomastik, Esmailian, Siong Thye Goh 16 hours ago
This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:
- "This question does not appear to be about data science, within the scope defined in the help center." – Mark.F, Simon Larsson, tuomastik, Esmailian, Siong Thye Goh
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.
I think your JSON example is not valid JSON. Could you provide the valid JSON code?
– MachineLearner
18 hours ago
It's better to ask this question at your question is just a programming problem rather than data science
– Alireza Zolanvari
18 hours ago
add a comment |
I think your JSON example is not valid JSON. Could you provide the valid JSON code?
– MachineLearner
18 hours ago
It's better to ask this question at your question is just a programming problem rather than data science
– Alireza Zolanvari
18 hours ago
I think your JSON example is not valid JSON. Could you provide the valid JSON code?
– MachineLearner
18 hours ago
I think your JSON example is not valid JSON. Could you provide the valid JSON code?
– MachineLearner
18 hours ago
It's better to ask this question at your question is just a programming problem rather than data science
– Alireza Zolanvari
18 hours ago
It's better to ask this question at your question is just a programming problem rather than data science
– Alireza Zolanvari
18 hours ago
add a comment |
1 Answer
These are high level steps :
- Transform data to "dictionary of lists". Each list in this dict represents a column in CSV. key of the dict is column label .
- Create a dataframe from this dict
- Save dataframe to CSV
Step 2 :
Documentation :
Code Examples :,
Step 3 : ,
add a comment |
1 Answer
1 Answer
These are high level steps :
- Transform data to "dictionary of lists". Each list in this dict represents a column in CSV. key of the dict is column label .
- Create a dataframe from this dict
- Save dataframe to CSV
Step 2 :
Documentation :
Code Examples :,
Step 3 : ,
add a comment |
These are high level steps :
- Transform data to "dictionary of lists". Each list in this dict represents a column in CSV. key of the dict is column label .
- Create a dataframe from this dict
- Save dataframe to CSV
Step 2 :
Documentation :
Code Examples :,
Step 3 : ,
add a comment |
These are high level steps :
- Transform data to "dictionary of lists". Each list in this dict represents a column in CSV. key of the dict is column label .
- Create a dataframe from this dict
- Save dataframe to CSV
Step 2 :
Documentation :
Code Examples :,
Step 3 : ,
These are high level steps :
- Transform data to "dictionary of lists". Each list in this dict represents a column in CSV. key of the dict is column label .
- Create a dataframe from this dict
- Save dataframe to CSV
Step 2 :
Documentation :
Code Examples :,
Step 3 : ,
answered 18 hours ago
Shamit VermaShamit Verma
add a comment |
add a comment |
I think your JSON example is not valid JSON. Could you provide the valid JSON code?
– MachineLearner
18 hours ago
It's better to ask this question at your question is just a programming problem rather than data science
– Alireza Zolanvari
18 hours ago