What is a good reason for every spaceship to carry a weapon on board?



In the near future humanity has started mining on Mars. International (and interplanetary) treaties governing the use of lethal weapons in space dictate that anyone possessing such a weapon must carry a license.

However, every spaceship, including single-occupant vehicles, carries some sort of ranged firearm.

There is no danger of being hijacked or abduction in space since only established major companies and wealthy nations can afford any kind of space program. For security reasons all spacecraft personnel have to go through thorough screening and checks before being permitted to go into space to ensure that they are unlikely to cause harm to themselves or others.

With all this in mind, what good reason is there to have a gun in a spaceship?

(Additional assumptions: no aliens - SETI called, nobody answered - and no faster-than-light travel.)

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  • 28

    2nd amendment. They are all americans. They don't need weapons, but they'll have them anyway.
    – Rekesoft
    11 hours ago

  • 7

    Because it belongs to Checkhov :-)
    – Mawg
    10 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    Grammar, style, formatting.
    – Nobody
    10 hours ago

  • 1

    If spacecraft are so expensive, what's the rationale for single-seated spacecraft? Also, if "big companies" can afford space programs, so can big criminal organizations.
    – chepner
    7 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    Please be more explicit. Is a "ranged weapon" a handgun or rifle, or is it an artillery piece/cannon suitable for plinking at other ships?
    – WhatRoughBeast
    6 hours ago



In the near future humanity has started mining on Mars. International (and interplanetary) treaties governing the use of lethal weapons in space dictate that anyone possessing such a weapon must carry a license.

However, every spaceship, including single-occupant vehicles, carries some sort of ranged firearm.

There is no danger of being hijacked or abduction in space since only established major companies and wealthy nations can afford any kind of space program. For security reasons all spacecraft personnel have to go through thorough screening and checks before being permitted to go into space to ensure that they are unlikely to cause harm to themselves or others.

With all this in mind, what good reason is there to have a gun in a spaceship?

(Additional assumptions: no aliens - SETI called, nobody answered - and no faster-than-light travel.)

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  • 28

    2nd amendment. They are all americans. They don't need weapons, but they'll have them anyway.
    – Rekesoft
    11 hours ago

  • 7

    Because it belongs to Checkhov :-)
    – Mawg
    10 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    Grammar, style, formatting.
    – Nobody
    10 hours ago

  • 1

    If spacecraft are so expensive, what's the rationale for single-seated spacecraft? Also, if "big companies" can afford space programs, so can big criminal organizations.
    – chepner
    7 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    Please be more explicit. Is a "ranged weapon" a handgun or rifle, or is it an artillery piece/cannon suitable for plinking at other ships?
    – WhatRoughBeast
    6 hours ago






In the near future humanity has started mining on Mars. International (and interplanetary) treaties governing the use of lethal weapons in space dictate that anyone possessing such a weapon must carry a license.

However, every spaceship, including single-occupant vehicles, carries some sort of ranged firearm.

There is no danger of being hijacked or abduction in space since only established major companies and wealthy nations can afford any kind of space program. For security reasons all spacecraft personnel have to go through thorough screening and checks before being permitted to go into space to ensure that they are unlikely to cause harm to themselves or others.

With all this in mind, what good reason is there to have a gun in a spaceship?

(Additional assumptions: no aliens - SETI called, nobody answered - and no faster-than-light travel.)

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In the near future humanity has started mining on Mars. International (and interplanetary) treaties governing the use of lethal weapons in space dictate that anyone possessing such a weapon must carry a license.

However, every spaceship, including single-occupant vehicles, carries some sort of ranged firearm.

There is no danger of being hijacked or abduction in space since only established major companies and wealthy nations can afford any kind of space program. For security reasons all spacecraft personnel have to go through thorough screening and checks before being permitted to go into space to ensure that they are unlikely to cause harm to themselves or others.

With all this in mind, what good reason is there to have a gun in a spaceship?

(Additional assumptions: no aliens - SETI called, nobody answered - and no faster-than-light travel.)

weapons space-travel spaceships law

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edited 5 hours ago




asked 16 hours ago




  • 28

    2nd amendment. They are all americans. They don't need weapons, but they'll have them anyway.
    – Rekesoft
    11 hours ago

  • 7

    Because it belongs to Checkhov :-)
    – Mawg
    10 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    Grammar, style, formatting.
    – Nobody
    10 hours ago

  • 1

    If spacecraft are so expensive, what's the rationale for single-seated spacecraft? Also, if "big companies" can afford space programs, so can big criminal organizations.
    – chepner
    7 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    Please be more explicit. Is a "ranged weapon" a handgun or rifle, or is it an artillery piece/cannon suitable for plinking at other ships?
    – WhatRoughBeast
    6 hours ago

  • 28

    2nd amendment. They are all americans. They don't need weapons, but they'll have them anyway.
    – Rekesoft
    11 hours ago

  • 7

    Because it belongs to Checkhov :-)
    – Mawg
    10 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    Grammar, style, formatting.
    – Nobody
    10 hours ago

  • 1

    If spacecraft are so expensive, what's the rationale for single-seated spacecraft? Also, if "big companies" can afford space programs, so can big criminal organizations.
    – chepner
    7 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    Please be more explicit. Is a "ranged weapon" a handgun or rifle, or is it an artillery piece/cannon suitable for plinking at other ships?
    – WhatRoughBeast
    6 hours ago



2nd amendment. They are all americans. They don't need weapons, but they'll have them anyway.
– Rekesoft
11 hours ago

2nd amendment. They are all americans. They don't need weapons, but they'll have them anyway.
– Rekesoft
11 hours ago



Because it belongs to Checkhov :-)
– Mawg
10 hours ago

Because it belongs to Checkhov :-)
– Mawg
10 hours ago

Grammar, style, formatting.
– Nobody
10 hours ago

Grammar, style, formatting.
– Nobody
10 hours ago



If spacecraft are so expensive, what's the rationale for single-seated spacecraft? Also, if "big companies" can afford space programs, so can big criminal organizations.
– chepner
7 hours ago

If spacecraft are so expensive, what's the rationale for single-seated spacecraft? Also, if "big companies" can afford space programs, so can big criminal organizations.
– chepner
7 hours ago

Please be more explicit. Is a "ranged weapon" a handgun or rifle, or is it an artillery piece/cannon suitable for plinking at other ships?
– WhatRoughBeast
6 hours ago

Please be more explicit. Is a "ranged weapon" a handgun or rifle, or is it an artillery piece/cannon suitable for plinking at other ships?
– WhatRoughBeast
6 hours ago

15 Answers






For the same reason some do in real life. Ship (or landing pod) landing isn't perfect so when they arrive back on earth the astronauts need to defend themselves against hostile animals or scavengers.

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New contributor

Leo Adberg is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 13

    In Svalbard, you are basically told to bring a gun if you're heading outside town due to the danger of polar bears.
    – Spoki0
    14 hours ago

  • 7

    @Spoki0: Not just "told to", AFAIK it's required by law. youtube.com/watch?v=ch7HwhGynXk a bit off-topic here though.
    – Nyos
    14 hours ago

  • 3

    @Nyos sysselmannen.no/en/Shortcuts/Firearms It is not required to carry a gun specifically, just recommended. Point is that you might crash land and need to defend yourself, as the answer stated. If you happen to land on Svalbard, you'd be a criminal if you didn't have the means to chase off polar bears!
    – Spoki0
    13 hours ago

  • 1

    came here to give this exact answer. +1. Its the exact reasoning I've used in short stories I've written where the landing was usually in the wilderness rather than deep ocean.
    – Miller86
    10 hours ago

  • 2

    @ErosRising not on Mars, sure, but if they are bringing the minerals back to earth for processing, this scenario can happen.
    – Aserre
    6 hours ago



Warning: Dark

Imagine a situation where you're in your spaceship, you've run out of fuel, your comms are down, and you're flying through space away from civilisation.

You may have rations to last a few weeks, but with every passing hour, the chance of rescue gets slimmer and slimmer.

After a few days, you know there is no hope of anyone finding you.

You reach across to your firearm...

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  • 17

    Environmental control is less painful, although not as fast. Disable the oxygen scrubbers and let CO2 build up in the cabin until you pass out.
    – Cadence
    14 hours ago

  • 8

    Cue "Major Tom"
    – Martijn
    14 hours ago

  • 2

    @Martijn I'll never hear that song the same way again!
    – Renan
    13 hours ago

  • 3

    ... and use the recoil of the firearm to propel your ship and plot an encounter with a planet ?
    – Goufalite
    9 hours ago

  • 4

    Breathing pure nitrogen would be a better way to go. A build-up of CO2 will lead to a feeling of suffocation, whereas replacing O2 with N2 leads to death with no sense of oxygen starvation.
    – Dancrumb
    9 hours ago



No good reason for purpose-designed firearms

Risk assessments are critical to space travel, even more than on Earth. Some of the obvious things that can go wrong because you are carrying a firearm are:

  • propellant becomes unstable

  • poor maintenance results in mechanism seizing up

  • accidental/negligent discharge results in personnel injury or death

  • accidental/negligent discharge results in destruction of critical spacecraft components (including atmospheric integrity)

  • accidental/negligent discharge imparts momentum (linear or rotational) to spacecraft requiring fuel expenditure for course correction

In addition to these possible risks there is also the certainty that every single flight will be wasting mass on a dangerous object of negligible use - mass that could be used to carry more fuel or operational/profit-generating payload.

To offset these massive disadvantages, there has to be a concrete benefit to putting a firearms on a spacecraft. This is hard to see - in the anti-hijacking role weapons such as tasers are much preferred to things that punch holes in your own ship. Boarding actions are dubious in any hard science setting - docking with a cooperative target is hard enough, docking with an uncooperative target is practically impossible even if its propulsion systems are disabled. As for employing firearms (other than those mounted in sophisticated turrets) against other spacecraft - forget it. Then there is the problem of keeping all of the astronauts current in their firearms training - if they are rusty then they may as well not have a firearm.

But wait...

Not all is lost, however. As was well-portrayed in The Martian, astronauts are a technically competent group of trained improvisers. If the plot of your story requires that a firearm is used then a character can improvise one. Hand-held and/or drone thruster units are a plausible item to have on board a spacecraft - if you disconnect a few safety devices and plug the exhaust with a ball bearing (possibly with some tape wrapped around it to get a good seal) then you have a projectile weapon. A high-pressure air tank is a ready-made reservoir for a very dangerous air rifle, just add a metal tube for a barrel and a valve. (With more time a semi- and/or full-auto version could be manufactured.)

If the requirement is just for a ranged weapon, not necessarily a firearm, then slings are just as easy to make as on Earth. A spacecraft machine shop could be used to make a bow or crossbow.

In summary - just as in many situations on Earth, carrying a firearm is far more dangerous than not carrying a firearm. However, spacecraft have plenty of options for making ranged weapons in an emergency.

share|improve this answer


  • 6

    Idk in what world firearms in the hands of trained users acting as their training tells them to are more dangerous than improvising weapons from thrusters.
    – Giu Piete
    14 hours ago

  • 4

    I think the point is, that you don't bring anything to space without reason. So if there is no reason to bring a gun, then you don't. But if the plot requires you to have something like a gun, then you can craft one out of stuff you have with you (originally for other purposes)
    – elPolloLoco
    14 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    @elPolloLoco correctly identified the reasoning behind my answer, but I now realise that it wasn't clear. Have added a sentence to hopefully make it clear to all.
    – KerrAvon2055
    14 hours ago

  • 1

    +1 for pointing out that actually using the gun in your spaceship is a good way to experience decompression via a perforated hull.
    – Chronocidal
    10 hours ago

  • 4

    Modern powder doesn't just "become unstable". Nor do modern firearms just "seize up" after periods of disuse in clean environments. Your points about negligent discharges and weight are valid however.
    – Carl Kevinson
    8 hours ago



One potential explanation (although not 100% satisfactory) is that it could form part of a survival kit. Bomber pilots, for example, were often equipped with survival kits including flares, emergancy rations and rifles such as here and
here, to help them forage for food and protect against wildlife should they crash land in remote areas. This could feasibly also apply to a spaceship, should they crash land on a remote part of earth.

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Jack is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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    I can't find the exact quote, but there is a saying in Science Fiction which goes something like this:

    Any feasibe method of space propulsion is indistinguishable from a weapon of mass destruction.

    Invent a propulsion system which is very easy to weaponize. Make sure that it is infeasible to modify it in a way that it can no longer be used as a weapon but still work as a propulsion system.

    • If you are still using chemical propulsion, the exhaust can be weaponized.

    • If it's a nuclear thermal rocket, the exhaust is not just hot and fast but also deadly radiation.

    • If it's a plasma propulsion engine, it shoots a ray of highly energetic plasma.

    • If it's nuclear pulse propulsion, you have an arsenal of nuclear warheads on board.

    • If it folds space, it can shred other ships to pieces through sheer forces.

    • If it is based on artificial gravity, you can literally "crush your enemies" or rips them apart.

    Benign technologies which can be easily weaponized are also a recurring theme in Larry Niven's Known Space universe. Among them are afore-mentioned weaponized propulsion systems are laser-based communication systems (which are powerful enough to cause space ships to overheat) or an alien digging tool (which also digs nice holes into metal plates).

    I personally like the communication lasers, because communication is too important to declare illegal and you can aim them independently from your engines.

    share|improve this answer


    • $begingroup$
      I think you're halfway there. You've established that spacecraft can be dangerous, but not how including a weapon addresses the danger. Furthermore, it's not clear from the OP whether a "ranged weapon" means a handgun/rifle, or a shipborne artillery piece.
      – WhatRoughBeast
      6 hours ago

    • $begingroup$
      Good point about the quote, it remembers me the 3rd law Arthur C. Clarke. However, I don't understand how this is related with fire gun (I mean, pistols, gun, rifles and that stuff which the OP is asking about).
      – Ender Look
      5 hours ago



    If you are not worried about Earth Wilderness landing like Leo Adberg has suggested (which is a very good real world answer), then an alternate would be to consider corportate/national espionage...

    If there are only the biggest corporations and governments in space then its safe to assuming there is no space police, so if one company decided to hijack another's ship to either steal the presumably cargo, or possible find out what tech the rival company is working on, then its safe to assume the pilots would want to protect themselves.

    Writing in that either companies or governments are in a type of cold war as to who can be the front runner in space travel and its not unreasonable to believe that with all the communication dead zones are the system (dark side of the moon for example, at least until china sent there probe a few weeks back) and there's plenty of areas where a ship could get be hijacked without anyone knowing.

    Thankfully we've managed to avoid taking warfare to space so far but its not exactly out of character for the human race to do so...

    share|improve this answer




      There's two possible reasons I can think of.

      The first is for some sort of emergency situation - much like trains have hammers to break the windows in an accident - perhaps there could be some situation where they'd need a weapon (are the weapons traditional current conventional weapons?) to break free of a crashed pod or something? Certainly you could argue the carrying of flare guns for situations like this - as safety equipment

      The other is if there are any tensions between the big companies and/or wealthy nations. They could then be argued as necessary to protect a claim on a certain sector. Perhaps there had been an incident in the past where one company took over another, so they all carry an stock of weapons for protection against this. (easy to argue it's similar to countries on earth with weapons that are they will never use)

      share|improve this answer

      New contributor

      Smock is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      • $begingroup$
        +1 for flare guns. Instead of simply being single-use, they could have a "weapon" mode just in case.
        – Shawn V. Wilson
        1 hour ago




      Due to security reason all personnel have to go through thorough screening and checks

      These checks do not end all of the possible security issues. They just ensure that a single individual or ar small group does not pose a significant threat.

      But what if a group of individuals become the threat? Physical force is still a thing, and if a number of individuals mutiny or revolt, they could be dangerous, either by attacking the loyal crew or accessing critical parts of the ship.

      Not to mention that people can become very imaginative when it comes to improvised weapon design.

      To put an example, we already have places were people are very careful screened to avoid them inserting weapons in a controlled environments. Yet improvised weapons are made (shivs and the like), revolts do occasionally happen, and the guards do have weapons and/or have support from armed security forces readily available.

      Imagine the situation in a spaceship where external support is not available and everyone on board knows about it.

      share|improve this answer


      • 1

        Also, no "screening and checks" can really "ensure" anything, merely make it more difficult for people with bad intentions to get through. All it takes is one thief or spy or traitor to cause a great deal of damage, if everyone else is helpless.
        – Joe
        8 hours ago



      There used to be a good reason, so it was written into law and no-one has bothered to change it. Or maybe it's a religious thing.

      See https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1370385/Navy-up-in-arms-over-challenge-to-sword-protocol.html for inspiration.

      share|improve this answer

      New contributor

      Anthony Ebert is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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        In space, accidents happen.

        Just start some rumor, that space pirates/aliens/spies (or whatever fits your story the best) are responsible for those accidents (like missing people/spaceships). Until the investigations are closed and the results satisfy your astronauts, everyone starts to carry firearms "just in case". You can make those investigations really long, or maybe the custom to carry can stay.

        You can also make one legitimate incident, where some madman started attacking his coworkers, and blame guns on him (shootings happen on Earth all the time), also an incident like this might be the best reason to introduce those checks in the first place.

        share|improve this answer

        New contributor

        Nyos is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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        • $begingroup$
          On the "legitimate incident" paragraph: the reverse is more likely, with weapons being banned from the ships. Despite a number of deaths and attempted murders at Antarctic bases, no one has started equipping them with guns. Instead, the Russians banned chess.
          – Chronocidal
          10 hours ago

        • $begingroup$
          @Chronocidal: Good point! But there are countries with high crime and restictive gun laws, low crime with few guns, low crime with lot of guns, and high crime rates with guns. Also, the attitude towards guns have an effect on the crimes committed as well (without guns available, there won't be many gun-related crimes, but more crimes that could've been prevented by an armed bystander/victim). If Russia had more liberal gun culture, that would influence their attempts to protect themselves, whether they're in a research station or a spacecraft. I think choose whatever fits the story the best.
          – Nyos
          10 hours ago

        • $begingroup$
          Well, the Americans didn't start taking guns to McMurdo after one of the Chefs attacked two others with a hammer in 1996 - so "liberal gun culture" doesn't seem to apply. (Of note: both Outer Space and the Antarctic Circle - south of 60° - are currently the subject of treaties that restrict firearms or military presence, which is why I consider it to be a good comparison. The treaty would need a reason to be reworked first.)
          – Chronocidal
          10 hours ago

        • $begingroup$
          I think you pointed out perfectly why Americans didn't bring guns there. In OP's world that treaty has to be dealt with as well if he wants guns in space. But that's another matter. Also, the US is divided on this issue, more or less along party lines. So that also explains the lack of guns. But thanks for that, it's a valid point that needs an explanation if OP chooses this route.
          – Nyos
          9 hours ago



        Everyone may like the treaty and have good intent, but that's very different from trust. It's the same reason every good guy in the wild west had a people-shootin' pistol and the quickest trigger finger: because everyone else already has one. You don't have to have one, but it helps you sleep soundly knowing it's there.

        share|improve this answer




          Space Rats!

          Huge freakin' space rats immune to poison and too smart to eat cheese off a loaded spring trap. Too big to stick to a sheet of cardboard with glue on one side too.

          It's either shoot 'em or trick 'em into going into the airlock.

          share|improve this answer




            You never know if a person may become mad or commit a crime on board. Space is exhausting, that can happen.

            The captain and security must have weapons to arrest, take down or kill that person. Also, that gives authority to them, useful if there is unrest on the ship.

            share|improve this answer




              I think I read this request as more of a "what excuse can I find for having a weapon on board" and not so much the reason for why one would have it on board at all. Like your story depends on there being a weapon when you have no logical reason for it being there in the first place.

              Let's look at it from a corporate greed level. Suppose you were a massive arms producer and you wanted to ensure the next generation of interstellar networks all carry your brand and are guaranteed a minimum purchase value of $xxx for the latest interstellar security administration approved firearm on every vessel in active service - both private and other. Lobbyists go to work, somehow it gets on a ballot, and yay, it's approved. Interstellar violence can now proceed as planned and profited.

              So now, even small rental space station travel vehicles are required by law to have at least one approved weapon on board for "security reasons" and loh and behold, you now have a gun for use in your story where there would otherwise not be one. Even in an automated vending machine restocking vehicle. If a human CAN travel in it, it has to have a weapon on board. By law. Yay the power of greed!

              share|improve this answer




                Imagine that for some reason you are stuck in the middle of a microgravity environment, with nothing within your reach to pull or push yourself and start moving and no way to get outer assistance.

                Your only hope to get in motion is to use reaction: expel some mass by exerting a force on it and, by reaction, have the mass exerting a force on you.

                A gun with the jolt it provides upon firing is a reasonable way to use this principle. You might want to avoid armored shells to avoid damaging the hull and yourself with ricocheting bullets. Dense liquid filled bullets which splash on impact should do.

                share|improve this answer


                • 2

                  But you need to wear your weapon before getting stuck in the middle of microgravity. And frankly, it would work the same if you had a water bottle with you (or any other item that could be useful to you also in your regular schedule) that you could throw away.
                  – SJuan76
                  14 hours ago

                • 3

                  @SJuan76 is right, any object would fill this purpose as well as a gun. And if your solution to temporarily floating out of reach of a solid surface is to start firing off your gun inside the spacecraft, you're probably not going to last very long as an astronaut.
                  – Nuclear Wang
                  9 hours ago

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                15 Answers




                15 Answers












                For the same reason some do in real life. Ship (or landing pod) landing isn't perfect so when they arrive back on earth the astronauts need to defend themselves against hostile animals or scavengers.

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                Leo Adberg is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.


                • 13

                  In Svalbard, you are basically told to bring a gun if you're heading outside town due to the danger of polar bears.
                  – Spoki0
                  14 hours ago

                • 7

                  @Spoki0: Not just "told to", AFAIK it's required by law. youtube.com/watch?v=ch7HwhGynXk a bit off-topic here though.
                  – Nyos
                  14 hours ago

                • 3

                  @Nyos sysselmannen.no/en/Shortcuts/Firearms It is not required to carry a gun specifically, just recommended. Point is that you might crash land and need to defend yourself, as the answer stated. If you happen to land on Svalbard, you'd be a criminal if you didn't have the means to chase off polar bears!
                  – Spoki0
                  13 hours ago

                • 1

                  came here to give this exact answer. +1. Its the exact reasoning I've used in short stories I've written where the landing was usually in the wilderness rather than deep ocean.
                  – Miller86
                  10 hours ago

                • 2

                  @ErosRising not on Mars, sure, but if they are bringing the minerals back to earth for processing, this scenario can happen.
                  – Aserre
                  6 hours ago



                For the same reason some do in real life. Ship (or landing pod) landing isn't perfect so when they arrive back on earth the astronauts need to defend themselves against hostile animals or scavengers.

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                Leo Adberg is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.


                • 13

                  In Svalbard, you are basically told to bring a gun if you're heading outside town due to the danger of polar bears.
                  – Spoki0
                  14 hours ago

                • 7

                  @Spoki0: Not just "told to", AFAIK it's required by law. youtube.com/watch?v=ch7HwhGynXk a bit off-topic here though.
                  – Nyos
                  14 hours ago

                • 3

                  @Nyos sysselmannen.no/en/Shortcuts/Firearms It is not required to carry a gun specifically, just recommended. Point is that you might crash land and need to defend yourself, as the answer stated. If you happen to land on Svalbard, you'd be a criminal if you didn't have the means to chase off polar bears!
                  – Spoki0
                  13 hours ago

                • 1

                  came here to give this exact answer. +1. Its the exact reasoning I've used in short stories I've written where the landing was usually in the wilderness rather than deep ocean.
                  – Miller86
                  10 hours ago

                • 2

                  @ErosRising not on Mars, sure, but if they are bringing the minerals back to earth for processing, this scenario can happen.
                  – Aserre
                  6 hours ago





                For the same reason some do in real life. Ship (or landing pod) landing isn't perfect so when they arrive back on earth the astronauts need to defend themselves against hostile animals or scavengers.

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                Leo Adberg is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.


                For the same reason some do in real life. Ship (or landing pod) landing isn't perfect so when they arrive back on earth the astronauts need to defend themselves against hostile animals or scavengers.

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                Leo Adberg is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                Leo Adberg is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                answered 16 hours ago

                Leo AdbergLeo Adberg



                New contributor

                Leo Adberg is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                New contributor

                Leo Adberg is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                Leo Adberg is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                • 13

                  In Svalbard, you are basically told to bring a gun if you're heading outside town due to the danger of polar bears.
                  – Spoki0
                  14 hours ago

                • 7

                  @Spoki0: Not just "told to", AFAIK it's required by law. youtube.com/watch?v=ch7HwhGynXk a bit off-topic here though.
                  – Nyos
                  14 hours ago

                • 3

                  @Nyos sysselmannen.no/en/Shortcuts/Firearms It is not required to carry a gun specifically, just recommended. Point is that you might crash land and need to defend yourself, as the answer stated. If you happen to land on Svalbard, you'd be a criminal if you didn't have the means to chase off polar bears!
                  – Spoki0
                  13 hours ago

                • 1

                  came here to give this exact answer. +1. Its the exact reasoning I've used in short stories I've written where the landing was usually in the wilderness rather than deep ocean.
                  – Miller86
                  10 hours ago

                • 2

                  @ErosRising not on Mars, sure, but if they are bringing the minerals back to earth for processing, this scenario can happen.
                  – Aserre
                  6 hours ago

                • 13

                  In Svalbard, you are basically told to bring a gun if you're heading outside town due to the danger of polar bears.
                  – Spoki0
                  14 hours ago

                • 7

                  @Spoki0: Not just "told to", AFAIK it's required by law. youtube.com/watch?v=ch7HwhGynXk a bit off-topic here though.
                  – Nyos
                  14 hours ago

                • 3

                  @Nyos sysselmannen.no/en/Shortcuts/Firearms It is not required to carry a gun specifically, just recommended. Point is that you might crash land and need to defend yourself, as the answer stated. If you happen to land on Svalbard, you'd be a criminal if you didn't have the means to chase off polar bears!
                  – Spoki0
                  13 hours ago

                • 1

                  came here to give this exact answer. +1. Its the exact reasoning I've used in short stories I've written where the landing was usually in the wilderness rather than deep ocean.
                  – Miller86
                  10 hours ago

                • 2

                  @ErosRising not on Mars, sure, but if they are bringing the minerals back to earth for processing, this scenario can happen.
                  – Aserre
                  6 hours ago



                In Svalbard, you are basically told to bring a gun if you're heading outside town due to the danger of polar bears.
                – Spoki0
                14 hours ago

                In Svalbard, you are basically told to bring a gun if you're heading outside town due to the danger of polar bears.
                – Spoki0
                14 hours ago



                @Spoki0: Not just "told to", AFAIK it's required by law. youtube.com/watch?v=ch7HwhGynXk a bit off-topic here though.
                – Nyos
                14 hours ago

                @Spoki0: Not just "told to", AFAIK it's required by law. youtube.com/watch?v=ch7HwhGynXk a bit off-topic here though.
                – Nyos
                14 hours ago



                @Nyos sysselmannen.no/en/Shortcuts/Firearms It is not required to carry a gun specifically, just recommended. Point is that you might crash land and need to defend yourself, as the answer stated. If you happen to land on Svalbard, you'd be a criminal if you didn't have the means to chase off polar bears!
                – Spoki0
                13 hours ago

                @Nyos sysselmannen.no/en/Shortcuts/Firearms It is not required to carry a gun specifically, just recommended. Point is that you might crash land and need to defend yourself, as the answer stated. If you happen to land on Svalbard, you'd be a criminal if you didn't have the means to chase off polar bears!
                – Spoki0
                13 hours ago



                came here to give this exact answer. +1. Its the exact reasoning I've used in short stories I've written where the landing was usually in the wilderness rather than deep ocean.
                – Miller86
                10 hours ago

                came here to give this exact answer. +1. Its the exact reasoning I've used in short stories I've written where the landing was usually in the wilderness rather than deep ocean.
                – Miller86
                10 hours ago



                @ErosRising not on Mars, sure, but if they are bringing the minerals back to earth for processing, this scenario can happen.
                – Aserre
                6 hours ago

                @ErosRising not on Mars, sure, but if they are bringing the minerals back to earth for processing, this scenario can happen.
                – Aserre
                6 hours ago



                Warning: Dark

                Imagine a situation where you're in your spaceship, you've run out of fuel, your comms are down, and you're flying through space away from civilisation.

                You may have rations to last a few weeks, but with every passing hour, the chance of rescue gets slimmer and slimmer.

                After a few days, you know there is no hope of anyone finding you.

                You reach across to your firearm...

                share|improve this answer


                • 17

                  Environmental control is less painful, although not as fast. Disable the oxygen scrubbers and let CO2 build up in the cabin until you pass out.
                  – Cadence
                  14 hours ago

                • 8

                  Cue "Major Tom"
                  – Martijn
                  14 hours ago

                • 2

                  @Martijn I'll never hear that song the same way again!
                  – Renan
                  13 hours ago

                • 3

                  ... and use the recoil of the firearm to propel your ship and plot an encounter with a planet ?
                  – Goufalite
                  9 hours ago

                • 4

                  Breathing pure nitrogen would be a better way to go. A build-up of CO2 will lead to a feeling of suffocation, whereas replacing O2 with N2 leads to death with no sense of oxygen starvation.
                  – Dancrumb
                  9 hours ago



                Warning: Dark

                Imagine a situation where you're in your spaceship, you've run out of fuel, your comms are down, and you're flying through space away from civilisation.

                You may have rations to last a few weeks, but with every passing hour, the chance of rescue gets slimmer and slimmer.

                After a few days, you know there is no hope of anyone finding you.

                You reach across to your firearm...

                share|improve this answer


                • 17

                  Environmental control is less painful, although not as fast. Disable the oxygen scrubbers and let CO2 build up in the cabin until you pass out.
                  – Cadence
                  14 hours ago

                • 8

                  Cue "Major Tom"
                  – Martijn
                  14 hours ago

                • 2

                  @Martijn I'll never hear that song the same way again!
                  – Renan
                  13 hours ago

                • 3

                  ... and use the recoil of the firearm to propel your ship and plot an encounter with a planet ?
                  – Goufalite
                  9 hours ago

                • 4

                  Breathing pure nitrogen would be a better way to go. A build-up of CO2 will lead to a feeling of suffocation, whereas replacing O2 with N2 leads to death with no sense of oxygen starvation.
                  – Dancrumb
                  9 hours ago





                Warning: Dark

                Imagine a situation where you're in your spaceship, you've run out of fuel, your comms are down, and you're flying through space away from civilisation.

                You may have rations to last a few weeks, but with every passing hour, the chance of rescue gets slimmer and slimmer.

                After a few days, you know there is no hope of anyone finding you.

                You reach across to your firearm...

                share|improve this answer


                Warning: Dark

                Imagine a situation where you're in your spaceship, you've run out of fuel, your comms are down, and you're flying through space away from civilisation.

                You may have rations to last a few weeks, but with every passing hour, the chance of rescue gets slimmer and slimmer.

                After a few days, you know there is no hope of anyone finding you.

                You reach across to your firearm...

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                edited 14 hours ago

                answered 14 hours ago

                Gregroy CurrieGregroy Currie



                • 17

                  Environmental control is less painful, although not as fast. Disable the oxygen scrubbers and let CO2 build up in the cabin until you pass out.
                  – Cadence
                  14 hours ago

                • 8

                  Cue "Major Tom"
                  – Martijn
                  14 hours ago

                • 2

                  @Martijn I'll never hear that song the same way again!
                  – Renan
                  13 hours ago

                • 3

                  ... and use the recoil of the firearm to propel your ship and plot an encounter with a planet ?
                  – Goufalite
                  9 hours ago

                • 4

                  Breathing pure nitrogen would be a better way to go. A build-up of CO2 will lead to a feeling of suffocation, whereas replacing O2 with N2 leads to death with no sense of oxygen starvation.
                  – Dancrumb
                  9 hours ago

                • 17

                  Environmental control is less painful, although not as fast. Disable the oxygen scrubbers and let CO2 build up in the cabin until you pass out.
                  – Cadence
                  14 hours ago

                • 8

                  Cue "Major Tom"
                  – Martijn
                  14 hours ago

                • 2

                  @Martijn I'll never hear that song the same way again!
                  – Renan
                  13 hours ago

                • 3

                  ... and use the recoil of the firearm to propel your ship and plot an encounter with a planet ?
                  – Goufalite
                  9 hours ago

                • 4

                  Breathing pure nitrogen would be a better way to go. A build-up of CO2 will lead to a feeling of suffocation, whereas replacing O2 with N2 leads to death with no sense of oxygen starvation.
                  – Dancrumb
                  9 hours ago



                Environmental control is less painful, although not as fast. Disable the oxygen scrubbers and let CO2 build up in the cabin until you pass out.
                – Cadence
                14 hours ago

                Environmental control is less painful, although not as fast. Disable the oxygen scrubbers and let CO2 build up in the cabin until you pass out.
                – Cadence
                14 hours ago



                Cue "Major Tom"
                – Martijn
                14 hours ago

                Cue "Major Tom"
                – Martijn
                14 hours ago



                @Martijn I'll never hear that song the same way again!
                – Renan
                13 hours ago

                @Martijn I'll never hear that song the same way again!
                – Renan
                13 hours ago



                ... and use the recoil of the firearm to propel your ship and plot an encounter with a planet ?
                – Goufalite
                9 hours ago

                ... and use the recoil of the firearm to propel your ship and plot an encounter with a planet ?
                – Goufalite
                9 hours ago



                Breathing pure nitrogen would be a better way to go. A build-up of CO2 will lead to a feeling of suffocation, whereas replacing O2 with N2 leads to death with no sense of oxygen starvation.
                – Dancrumb
                9 hours ago

                Breathing pure nitrogen would be a better way to go. A build-up of CO2 will lead to a feeling of suffocation, whereas replacing O2 with N2 leads to death with no sense of oxygen starvation.
                – Dancrumb
                9 hours ago



                No good reason for purpose-designed firearms

                Risk assessments are critical to space travel, even more than on Earth. Some of the obvious things that can go wrong because you are carrying a firearm are:

                • propellant becomes unstable

                • poor maintenance results in mechanism seizing up

                • accidental/negligent discharge results in personnel injury or death

                • accidental/negligent discharge results in destruction of critical spacecraft components (including atmospheric integrity)

                • accidental/negligent discharge imparts momentum (linear or rotational) to spacecraft requiring fuel expenditure for course correction

                In addition to these possible risks there is also the certainty that every single flight will be wasting mass on a dangerous object of negligible use - mass that could be used to carry more fuel or operational/profit-generating payload.

                To offset these massive disadvantages, there has to be a concrete benefit to putting a firearms on a spacecraft. This is hard to see - in the anti-hijacking role weapons such as tasers are much preferred to things that punch holes in your own ship. Boarding actions are dubious in any hard science setting - docking with a cooperative target is hard enough, docking with an uncooperative target is practically impossible even if its propulsion systems are disabled. As for employing firearms (other than those mounted in sophisticated turrets) against other spacecraft - forget it. Then there is the problem of keeping all of the astronauts current in their firearms training - if they are rusty then they may as well not have a firearm.

                But wait...

                Not all is lost, however. As was well-portrayed in The Martian, astronauts are a technically competent group of trained improvisers. If the plot of your story requires that a firearm is used then a character can improvise one. Hand-held and/or drone thruster units are a plausible item to have on board a spacecraft - if you disconnect a few safety devices and plug the exhaust with a ball bearing (possibly with some tape wrapped around it to get a good seal) then you have a projectile weapon. A high-pressure air tank is a ready-made reservoir for a very dangerous air rifle, just add a metal tube for a barrel and a valve. (With more time a semi- and/or full-auto version could be manufactured.)

                If the requirement is just for a ranged weapon, not necessarily a firearm, then slings are just as easy to make as on Earth. A spacecraft machine shop could be used to make a bow or crossbow.

                In summary - just as in many situations on Earth, carrying a firearm is far more dangerous than not carrying a firearm. However, spacecraft have plenty of options for making ranged weapons in an emergency.

                share|improve this answer


                • 6

                  Idk in what world firearms in the hands of trained users acting as their training tells them to are more dangerous than improvising weapons from thrusters.
                  – Giu Piete
                  14 hours ago

                • 4

                  I think the point is, that you don't bring anything to space without reason. So if there is no reason to bring a gun, then you don't. But if the plot requires you to have something like a gun, then you can craft one out of stuff you have with you (originally for other purposes)
                  – elPolloLoco
                  14 hours ago

                • $begingroup$
                  @elPolloLoco correctly identified the reasoning behind my answer, but I now realise that it wasn't clear. Have added a sentence to hopefully make it clear to all.
                  – KerrAvon2055
                  14 hours ago

                • 1

                  +1 for pointing out that actually using the gun in your spaceship is a good way to experience decompression via a perforated hull.
                  – Chronocidal
                  10 hours ago

                • 4

                  Modern powder doesn't just "become unstable". Nor do modern firearms just "seize up" after periods of disuse in clean environments. Your points about negligent discharges and weight are valid however.
                  – Carl Kevinson
                  8 hours ago



                No good reason for purpose-designed firearms

                Risk assessments are critical to space travel, even more than on Earth. Some of the obvious things that can go wrong because you are carrying a firearm are:

                • propellant becomes unstable

                • poor maintenance results in mechanism seizing up

                • accidental/negligent discharge results in personnel injury or death

                • accidental/negligent discharge results in destruction of critical spacecraft components (including atmospheric integrity)

                • accidental/negligent discharge imparts momentum (linear or rotational) to spacecraft requiring fuel expenditure for course correction

                In addition to these possible risks there is also the certainty that every single flight will be wasting mass on a dangerous object of negligible use - mass that could be used to carry more fuel or operational/profit-generating payload.

                To offset these massive disadvantages, there has to be a concrete benefit to putting a firearms on a spacecraft. This is hard to see - in the anti-hijacking role weapons such as tasers are much preferred to things that punch holes in your own ship. Boarding actions are dubious in any hard science setting - docking with a cooperative target is hard enough, docking with an uncooperative target is practically impossible even if its propulsion systems are disabled. As for employing firearms (other than those mounted in sophisticated turrets) against other spacecraft - forget it. Then there is the problem of keeping all of the astronauts current in their firearms training - if they are rusty then they may as well not have a firearm.

                But wait...

                Not all is lost, however. As was well-portrayed in The Martian, astronauts are a technically competent group of trained improvisers. If the plot of your story requires that a firearm is used then a character can improvise one. Hand-held and/or drone thruster units are a plausible item to have on board a spacecraft - if you disconnect a few safety devices and plug the exhaust with a ball bearing (possibly with some tape wrapped around it to get a good seal) then you have a projectile weapon. A high-pressure air tank is a ready-made reservoir for a very dangerous air rifle, just add a metal tube for a barrel and a valve. (With more time a semi- and/or full-auto version could be manufactured.)

                If the requirement is just for a ranged weapon, not necessarily a firearm, then slings are just as easy to make as on Earth. A spacecraft machine shop could be used to make a bow or crossbow.

                In summary - just as in many situations on Earth, carrying a firearm is far more dangerous than not carrying a firearm. However, spacecraft have plenty of options for making ranged weapons in an emergency.

                share|improve this answer


                • 6

                  Idk in what world firearms in the hands of trained users acting as their training tells them to are more dangerous than improvising weapons from thrusters.
                  – Giu Piete
                  14 hours ago

                • 4

                  I think the point is, that you don't bring anything to space without reason. So if there is no reason to bring a gun, then you don't. But if the plot requires you to have something like a gun, then you can craft one out of stuff you have with you (originally for other purposes)
                  – elPolloLoco
                  14 hours ago

                • $begingroup$
                  @elPolloLoco correctly identified the reasoning behind my answer, but I now realise that it wasn't clear. Have added a sentence to hopefully make it clear to all.
                  – KerrAvon2055
                  14 hours ago

                • 1

                  +1 for pointing out that actually using the gun in your spaceship is a good way to experience decompression via a perforated hull.
                  – Chronocidal
                  10 hours ago

                • 4

                  Modern powder doesn't just "become unstable". Nor do modern firearms just "seize up" after periods of disuse in clean environments. Your points about negligent discharges and weight are valid however.
                  – Carl Kevinson
                  8 hours ago





                No good reason for purpose-designed firearms

                Risk assessments are critical to space travel, even more than on Earth. Some of the obvious things that can go wrong because you are carrying a firearm are:

                • propellant becomes unstable

                • poor maintenance results in mechanism seizing up

                • accidental/negligent discharge results in personnel injury or death

                • accidental/negligent discharge results in destruction of critical spacecraft components (including atmospheric integrity)

                • accidental/negligent discharge imparts momentum (linear or rotational) to spacecraft requiring fuel expenditure for course correction

                In addition to these possible risks there is also the certainty that every single flight will be wasting mass on a dangerous object of negligible use - mass that could be used to carry more fuel or operational/profit-generating payload.

                To offset these massive disadvantages, there has to be a concrete benefit to putting a firearms on a spacecraft. This is hard to see - in the anti-hijacking role weapons such as tasers are much preferred to things that punch holes in your own ship. Boarding actions are dubious in any hard science setting - docking with a cooperative target is hard enough, docking with an uncooperative target is practically impossible even if its propulsion systems are disabled. As for employing firearms (other than those mounted in sophisticated turrets) against other spacecraft - forget it. Then there is the problem of keeping all of the astronauts current in their firearms training - if they are rusty then they may as well not have a firearm.

                But wait...

                Not all is lost, however. As was well-portrayed in The Martian, astronauts are a technically competent group of trained improvisers. If the plot of your story requires that a firearm is used then a character can improvise one. Hand-held and/or drone thruster units are a plausible item to have on board a spacecraft - if you disconnect a few safety devices and plug the exhaust with a ball bearing (possibly with some tape wrapped around it to get a good seal) then you have a projectile weapon. A high-pressure air tank is a ready-made reservoir for a very dangerous air rifle, just add a metal tube for a barrel and a valve. (With more time a semi- and/or full-auto version could be manufactured.)

                If the requirement is just for a ranged weapon, not necessarily a firearm, then slings are just as easy to make as on Earth. A spacecraft machine shop could be used to make a bow or crossbow.

                In summary - just as in many situations on Earth, carrying a firearm is far more dangerous than not carrying a firearm. However, spacecraft have plenty of options for making ranged weapons in an emergency.

                share|improve this answer


                No good reason for purpose-designed firearms

                Risk assessments are critical to space travel, even more than on Earth. Some of the obvious things that can go wrong because you are carrying a firearm are:

                • propellant becomes unstable

                • poor maintenance results in mechanism seizing up

                • accidental/negligent discharge results in personnel injury or death

                • accidental/negligent discharge results in destruction of critical spacecraft components (including atmospheric integrity)

                • accidental/negligent discharge imparts momentum (linear or rotational) to spacecraft requiring fuel expenditure for course correction

                In addition to these possible risks there is also the certainty that every single flight will be wasting mass on a dangerous object of negligible use - mass that could be used to carry more fuel or operational/profit-generating payload.

                To offset these massive disadvantages, there has to be a concrete benefit to putting a firearms on a spacecraft. This is hard to see - in the anti-hijacking role weapons such as tasers are much preferred to things that punch holes in your own ship. Boarding actions are dubious in any hard science setting - docking with a cooperative target is hard enough, docking with an uncooperative target is practically impossible even if its propulsion systems are disabled. As for employing firearms (other than those mounted in sophisticated turrets) against other spacecraft - forget it. Then there is the problem of keeping all of the astronauts current in their firearms training - if they are rusty then they may as well not have a firearm.

                But wait...

                Not all is lost, however. As was well-portrayed in The Martian, astronauts are a technically competent group of trained improvisers. If the plot of your story requires that a firearm is used then a character can improvise one. Hand-held and/or drone thruster units are a plausible item to have on board a spacecraft - if you disconnect a few safety devices and plug the exhaust with a ball bearing (possibly with some tape wrapped around it to get a good seal) then you have a projectile weapon. A high-pressure air tank is a ready-made reservoir for a very dangerous air rifle, just add a metal tube for a barrel and a valve. (With more time a semi- and/or full-auto version could be manufactured.)

                If the requirement is just for a ranged weapon, not necessarily a firearm, then slings are just as easy to make as on Earth. A spacecraft machine shop could be used to make a bow or crossbow.

                In summary - just as in many situations on Earth, carrying a firearm is far more dangerous than not carrying a firearm. However, spacecraft have plenty of options for making ranged weapons in an emergency.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                edited 14 hours ago

                answered 15 hours ago




                • 6

                  Idk in what world firearms in the hands of trained users acting as their training tells them to are more dangerous than improvising weapons from thrusters.
                  – Giu Piete
                  14 hours ago

                • 4

                  I think the point is, that you don't bring anything to space without reason. So if there is no reason to bring a gun, then you don't. But if the plot requires you to have something like a gun, then you can craft one out of stuff you have with you (originally for other purposes)
                  – elPolloLoco
                  14 hours ago

                • $begingroup$
                  @elPolloLoco correctly identified the reasoning behind my answer, but I now realise that it wasn't clear. Have added a sentence to hopefully make it clear to all.
                  – KerrAvon2055
                  14 hours ago

                • 1

                  +1 for pointing out that actually using the gun in your spaceship is a good way to experience decompression via a perforated hull.
                  – Chronocidal
                  10 hours ago

                • 4

                  Modern powder doesn't just "become unstable". Nor do modern firearms just "seize up" after periods of disuse in clean environments. Your points about negligent discharges and weight are valid however.
                  – Carl Kevinson
                  8 hours ago

                • 6

                  Idk in what world firearms in the hands of trained users acting as their training tells them to are more dangerous than improvising weapons from thrusters.
                  – Giu Piete
                  14 hours ago

                • 4

                  I think the point is, that you don't bring anything to space without reason. So if there is no reason to bring a gun, then you don't. But if the plot requires you to have something like a gun, then you can craft one out of stuff you have with you (originally for other purposes)
                  – elPolloLoco
                  14 hours ago

                • $begingroup$
                  @elPolloLoco correctly identified the reasoning behind my answer, but I now realise that it wasn't clear. Have added a sentence to hopefully make it clear to all.
                  – KerrAvon2055
                  14 hours ago

                • 1

                  +1 for pointing out that actually using the gun in your spaceship is a good way to experience decompression via a perforated hull.
                  – Chronocidal
                  10 hours ago

                • 4

                  Modern powder doesn't just "become unstable". Nor do modern firearms just "seize up" after periods of disuse in clean environments. Your points about negligent discharges and weight are valid however.
                  – Carl Kevinson
                  8 hours ago



                Idk in what world firearms in the hands of trained users acting as their training tells them to are more dangerous than improvising weapons from thrusters.
                – Giu Piete
                14 hours ago

                Idk in what world firearms in the hands of trained users acting as their training tells them to are more dangerous than improvising weapons from thrusters.
                – Giu Piete
                14 hours ago



                I think the point is, that you don't bring anything to space without reason. So if there is no reason to bring a gun, then you don't. But if the plot requires you to have something like a gun, then you can craft one out of stuff you have with you (originally for other purposes)
                – elPolloLoco
                14 hours ago

                I think the point is, that you don't bring anything to space without reason. So if there is no reason to bring a gun, then you don't. But if the plot requires you to have something like a gun, then you can craft one out of stuff you have with you (originally for other purposes)
                – elPolloLoco
                14 hours ago

                @elPolloLoco correctly identified the reasoning behind my answer, but I now realise that it wasn't clear. Have added a sentence to hopefully make it clear to all.
                – KerrAvon2055
                14 hours ago

                @elPolloLoco correctly identified the reasoning behind my answer, but I now realise that it wasn't clear. Have added a sentence to hopefully make it clear to all.
                – KerrAvon2055
                14 hours ago



                +1 for pointing out that actually using the gun in your spaceship is a good way to experience decompression via a perforated hull.
                – Chronocidal
                10 hours ago

                +1 for pointing out that actually using the gun in your spaceship is a good way to experience decompression via a perforated hull.
                – Chronocidal
                10 hours ago



                Modern powder doesn't just "become unstable". Nor do modern firearms just "seize up" after periods of disuse in clean environments. Your points about negligent discharges and weight are valid however.
                – Carl Kevinson
                8 hours ago

                Modern powder doesn't just "become unstable". Nor do modern firearms just "seize up" after periods of disuse in clean environments. Your points about negligent discharges and weight are valid however.
                – Carl Kevinson
                8 hours ago



                One potential explanation (although not 100% satisfactory) is that it could form part of a survival kit. Bomber pilots, for example, were often equipped with survival kits including flares, emergancy rations and rifles such as here and
                here, to help them forage for food and protect against wildlife should they crash land in remote areas. This could feasibly also apply to a spaceship, should they crash land on a remote part of earth.

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                Jack is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.




                  One potential explanation (although not 100% satisfactory) is that it could form part of a survival kit. Bomber pilots, for example, were often equipped with survival kits including flares, emergancy rations and rifles such as here and
                  here, to help them forage for food and protect against wildlife should they crash land in remote areas. This could feasibly also apply to a spaceship, should they crash land on a remote part of earth.

                  share|improve this answer

                  New contributor

                  Jack is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.






                    One potential explanation (although not 100% satisfactory) is that it could form part of a survival kit. Bomber pilots, for example, were often equipped with survival kits including flares, emergancy rations and rifles such as here and
                    here, to help them forage for food and protect against wildlife should they crash land in remote areas. This could feasibly also apply to a spaceship, should they crash land on a remote part of earth.

                    share|improve this answer

                    New contributor

                    Jack is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                    One potential explanation (although not 100% satisfactory) is that it could form part of a survival kit. Bomber pilots, for example, were often equipped with survival kits including flares, emergancy rations and rifles such as here and
                    here, to help them forage for food and protect against wildlife should they crash land in remote areas. This could feasibly also apply to a spaceship, should they crash land on a remote part of earth.

                    share|improve this answer

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                    answered 13 hours ago




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                    Jack is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                        I can't find the exact quote, but there is a saying in Science Fiction which goes something like this:

                        Any feasibe method of space propulsion is indistinguishable from a weapon of mass destruction.

                        Invent a propulsion system which is very easy to weaponize. Make sure that it is infeasible to modify it in a way that it can no longer be used as a weapon but still work as a propulsion system.

                        • If you are still using chemical propulsion, the exhaust can be weaponized.

                        • If it's a nuclear thermal rocket, the exhaust is not just hot and fast but also deadly radiation.

                        • If it's a plasma propulsion engine, it shoots a ray of highly energetic plasma.

                        • If it's nuclear pulse propulsion, you have an arsenal of nuclear warheads on board.

                        • If it folds space, it can shred other ships to pieces through sheer forces.

                        • If it is based on artificial gravity, you can literally "crush your enemies" or rips them apart.

                        Benign technologies which can be easily weaponized are also a recurring theme in Larry Niven's Known Space universe. Among them are afore-mentioned weaponized propulsion systems are laser-based communication systems (which are powerful enough to cause space ships to overheat) or an alien digging tool (which also digs nice holes into metal plates).

                        I personally like the communication lasers, because communication is too important to declare illegal and you can aim them independently from your engines.

                        share|improve this answer


                        • $begingroup$
                          I think you're halfway there. You've established that spacecraft can be dangerous, but not how including a weapon addresses the danger. Furthermore, it's not clear from the OP whether a "ranged weapon" means a handgun/rifle, or a shipborne artillery piece.
                          – WhatRoughBeast
                          6 hours ago

                        • $begingroup$
                          Good point about the quote, it remembers me the 3rd law Arthur C. Clarke. However, I don't understand how this is related with fire gun (I mean, pistols, gun, rifles and that stuff which the OP is asking about).
                          – Ender Look
                          5 hours ago



                        I can't find the exact quote, but there is a saying in Science Fiction which goes something like this:

                        Any feasibe method of space propulsion is indistinguishable from a weapon of mass destruction.

                        Invent a propulsion system which is very easy to weaponize. Make sure that it is infeasible to modify it in a way that it can no longer be used as a weapon but still work as a propulsion system.

                        • If you are still using chemical propulsion, the exhaust can be weaponized.

                        • If it's a nuclear thermal rocket, the exhaust is not just hot and fast but also deadly radiation.

                        • If it's a plasma propulsion engine, it shoots a ray of highly energetic plasma.

                        • If it's nuclear pulse propulsion, you have an arsenal of nuclear warheads on board.

                        • If it folds space, it can shred other ships to pieces through sheer forces.

                        • If it is based on artificial gravity, you can literally "crush your enemies" or rips them apart.

                        Benign technologies which can be easily weaponized are also a recurring theme in Larry Niven's Known Space universe. Among them are afore-mentioned weaponized propulsion systems are laser-based communication systems (which are powerful enough to cause space ships to overheat) or an alien digging tool (which also digs nice holes into metal plates).

                        I personally like the communication lasers, because communication is too important to declare illegal and you can aim them independently from your engines.

                        share|improve this answer


                        • $begingroup$
                          I think you're halfway there. You've established that spacecraft can be dangerous, but not how including a weapon addresses the danger. Furthermore, it's not clear from the OP whether a "ranged weapon" means a handgun/rifle, or a shipborne artillery piece.
                          – WhatRoughBeast
                          6 hours ago

                        • $begingroup$
                          Good point about the quote, it remembers me the 3rd law Arthur C. Clarke. However, I don't understand how this is related with fire gun (I mean, pistols, gun, rifles and that stuff which the OP is asking about).
                          – Ender Look
                          5 hours ago





                        I can't find the exact quote, but there is a saying in Science Fiction which goes something like this:

                        Any feasibe method of space propulsion is indistinguishable from a weapon of mass destruction.

                        Invent a propulsion system which is very easy to weaponize. Make sure that it is infeasible to modify it in a way that it can no longer be used as a weapon but still work as a propulsion system.

                        • If you are still using chemical propulsion, the exhaust can be weaponized.

                        • If it's a nuclear thermal rocket, the exhaust is not just hot and fast but also deadly radiation.

                        • If it's a plasma propulsion engine, it shoots a ray of highly energetic plasma.

                        • If it's nuclear pulse propulsion, you have an arsenal of nuclear warheads on board.

                        • If it folds space, it can shred other ships to pieces through sheer forces.

                        • If it is based on artificial gravity, you can literally "crush your enemies" or rips them apart.

                        Benign technologies which can be easily weaponized are also a recurring theme in Larry Niven's Known Space universe. Among them are afore-mentioned weaponized propulsion systems are laser-based communication systems (which are powerful enough to cause space ships to overheat) or an alien digging tool (which also digs nice holes into metal plates).

                        I personally like the communication lasers, because communication is too important to declare illegal and you can aim them independently from your engines.

                        share|improve this answer


                        I can't find the exact quote, but there is a saying in Science Fiction which goes something like this:

                        Any feasibe method of space propulsion is indistinguishable from a weapon of mass destruction.

                        Invent a propulsion system which is very easy to weaponize. Make sure that it is infeasible to modify it in a way that it can no longer be used as a weapon but still work as a propulsion system.

                        • If you are still using chemical propulsion, the exhaust can be weaponized.

                        • If it's a nuclear thermal rocket, the exhaust is not just hot and fast but also deadly radiation.

                        • If it's a plasma propulsion engine, it shoots a ray of highly energetic plasma.

                        • If it's nuclear pulse propulsion, you have an arsenal of nuclear warheads on board.

                        • If it folds space, it can shred other ships to pieces through sheer forces.

                        • If it is based on artificial gravity, you can literally "crush your enemies" or rips them apart.

                        Benign technologies which can be easily weaponized are also a recurring theme in Larry Niven's Known Space universe. Among them are afore-mentioned weaponized propulsion systems are laser-based communication systems (which are powerful enough to cause space ships to overheat) or an alien digging tool (which also digs nice holes into metal plates).

                        I personally like the communication lasers, because communication is too important to declare illegal and you can aim them independently from your engines.

                        share|improve this answer

                        share|improve this answer

                        share|improve this answer

                        edited 7 hours ago

                        answered 7 hours ago




                        • $begingroup$
                          I think you're halfway there. You've established that spacecraft can be dangerous, but not how including a weapon addresses the danger. Furthermore, it's not clear from the OP whether a "ranged weapon" means a handgun/rifle, or a shipborne artillery piece.
                          – WhatRoughBeast
                          6 hours ago

                        • $begingroup$
                          Good point about the quote, it remembers me the 3rd law Arthur C. Clarke. However, I don't understand how this is related with fire gun (I mean, pistols, gun, rifles and that stuff which the OP is asking about).
                          – Ender Look
                          5 hours ago

                        • $begingroup$
                          I think you're halfway there. You've established that spacecraft can be dangerous, but not how including a weapon addresses the danger. Furthermore, it's not clear from the OP whether a "ranged weapon" means a handgun/rifle, or a shipborne artillery piece.
                          – WhatRoughBeast
                          6 hours ago

                        • $begingroup$
                          Good point about the quote, it remembers me the 3rd law Arthur C. Clarke. However, I don't understand how this is related with fire gun (I mean, pistols, gun, rifles and that stuff which the OP is asking about).
                          – Ender Look
                          5 hours ago

                        I think you're halfway there. You've established that spacecraft can be dangerous, but not how including a weapon addresses the danger. Furthermore, it's not clear from the OP whether a "ranged weapon" means a handgun/rifle, or a shipborne artillery piece.
                        – WhatRoughBeast
                        6 hours ago

                        I think you're halfway there. You've established that spacecraft can be dangerous, but not how including a weapon addresses the danger. Furthermore, it's not clear from the OP whether a "ranged weapon" means a handgun/rifle, or a shipborne artillery piece.
                        – WhatRoughBeast
                        6 hours ago

                        Good point about the quote, it remembers me the 3rd law Arthur C. Clarke. However, I don't understand how this is related with fire gun (I mean, pistols, gun, rifles and that stuff which the OP is asking about).
                        – Ender Look
                        5 hours ago

                        Good point about the quote, it remembers me the 3rd law Arthur C. Clarke. However, I don't understand how this is related with fire gun (I mean, pistols, gun, rifles and that stuff which the OP is asking about).
                        – Ender Look
                        5 hours ago



                        If you are not worried about Earth Wilderness landing like Leo Adberg has suggested (which is a very good real world answer), then an alternate would be to consider corportate/national espionage...

                        If there are only the biggest corporations and governments in space then its safe to assuming there is no space police, so if one company decided to hijack another's ship to either steal the presumably cargo, or possible find out what tech the rival company is working on, then its safe to assume the pilots would want to protect themselves.

                        Writing in that either companies or governments are in a type of cold war as to who can be the front runner in space travel and its not unreasonable to believe that with all the communication dead zones are the system (dark side of the moon for example, at least until china sent there probe a few weeks back) and there's plenty of areas where a ship could get be hijacked without anyone knowing.

                        Thankfully we've managed to avoid taking warfare to space so far but its not exactly out of character for the human race to do so...

                        share|improve this answer




                          If you are not worried about Earth Wilderness landing like Leo Adberg has suggested (which is a very good real world answer), then an alternate would be to consider corportate/national espionage...

                          If there are only the biggest corporations and governments in space then its safe to assuming there is no space police, so if one company decided to hijack another's ship to either steal the presumably cargo, or possible find out what tech the rival company is working on, then its safe to assume the pilots would want to protect themselves.

                          Writing in that either companies or governments are in a type of cold war as to who can be the front runner in space travel and its not unreasonable to believe that with all the communication dead zones are the system (dark side of the moon for example, at least until china sent there probe a few weeks back) and there's plenty of areas where a ship could get be hijacked without anyone knowing.

                          Thankfully we've managed to avoid taking warfare to space so far but its not exactly out of character for the human race to do so...

                          share|improve this answer






                            If you are not worried about Earth Wilderness landing like Leo Adberg has suggested (which is a very good real world answer), then an alternate would be to consider corportate/national espionage...

                            If there are only the biggest corporations and governments in space then its safe to assuming there is no space police, so if one company decided to hijack another's ship to either steal the presumably cargo, or possible find out what tech the rival company is working on, then its safe to assume the pilots would want to protect themselves.

                            Writing in that either companies or governments are in a type of cold war as to who can be the front runner in space travel and its not unreasonable to believe that with all the communication dead zones are the system (dark side of the moon for example, at least until china sent there probe a few weeks back) and there's plenty of areas where a ship could get be hijacked without anyone knowing.

                            Thankfully we've managed to avoid taking warfare to space so far but its not exactly out of character for the human race to do so...

                            share|improve this answer


                            If you are not worried about Earth Wilderness landing like Leo Adberg has suggested (which is a very good real world answer), then an alternate would be to consider corportate/national espionage...

                            If there are only the biggest corporations and governments in space then its safe to assuming there is no space police, so if one company decided to hijack another's ship to either steal the presumably cargo, or possible find out what tech the rival company is working on, then its safe to assume the pilots would want to protect themselves.

                            Writing in that either companies or governments are in a type of cold war as to who can be the front runner in space travel and its not unreasonable to believe that with all the communication dead zones are the system (dark side of the moon for example, at least until china sent there probe a few weeks back) and there's plenty of areas where a ship could get be hijacked without anyone knowing.

                            Thankfully we've managed to avoid taking warfare to space so far but its not exactly out of character for the human race to do so...

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            answered 16 hours ago

                            Blade WraithBlade Wraith





                                There's two possible reasons I can think of.

                                The first is for some sort of emergency situation - much like trains have hammers to break the windows in an accident - perhaps there could be some situation where they'd need a weapon (are the weapons traditional current conventional weapons?) to break free of a crashed pod or something? Certainly you could argue the carrying of flare guns for situations like this - as safety equipment

                                The other is if there are any tensions between the big companies and/or wealthy nations. They could then be argued as necessary to protect a claim on a certain sector. Perhaps there had been an incident in the past where one company took over another, so they all carry an stock of weapons for protection against this. (easy to argue it's similar to countries on earth with weapons that are they will never use)

                                share|improve this answer

                                New contributor

                                Smock is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                • $begingroup$
                                  +1 for flare guns. Instead of simply being single-use, they could have a "weapon" mode just in case.
                                  – Shawn V. Wilson
                                  1 hour ago



                                There's two possible reasons I can think of.

                                The first is for some sort of emergency situation - much like trains have hammers to break the windows in an accident - perhaps there could be some situation where they'd need a weapon (are the weapons traditional current conventional weapons?) to break free of a crashed pod or something? Certainly you could argue the carrying of flare guns for situations like this - as safety equipment

                                The other is if there are any tensions between the big companies and/or wealthy nations. They could then be argued as necessary to protect a claim on a certain sector. Perhaps there had been an incident in the past where one company took over another, so they all carry an stock of weapons for protection against this. (easy to argue it's similar to countries on earth with weapons that are they will never use)

                                share|improve this answer

                                New contributor

                                Smock is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                • $begingroup$
                                  +1 for flare guns. Instead of simply being single-use, they could have a "weapon" mode just in case.
                                  – Shawn V. Wilson
                                  1 hour ago





                                There's two possible reasons I can think of.

                                The first is for some sort of emergency situation - much like trains have hammers to break the windows in an accident - perhaps there could be some situation where they'd need a weapon (are the weapons traditional current conventional weapons?) to break free of a crashed pod or something? Certainly you could argue the carrying of flare guns for situations like this - as safety equipment

                                The other is if there are any tensions between the big companies and/or wealthy nations. They could then be argued as necessary to protect a claim on a certain sector. Perhaps there had been an incident in the past where one company took over another, so they all carry an stock of weapons for protection against this. (easy to argue it's similar to countries on earth with weapons that are they will never use)

                                share|improve this answer

                                New contributor

                                Smock is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                There's two possible reasons I can think of.

                                The first is for some sort of emergency situation - much like trains have hammers to break the windows in an accident - perhaps there could be some situation where they'd need a weapon (are the weapons traditional current conventional weapons?) to break free of a crashed pod or something? Certainly you could argue the carrying of flare guns for situations like this - as safety equipment

                                The other is if there are any tensions between the big companies and/or wealthy nations. They could then be argued as necessary to protect a claim on a certain sector. Perhaps there had been an incident in the past where one company took over another, so they all carry an stock of weapons for protection against this. (easy to argue it's similar to countries on earth with weapons that are they will never use)

                                share|improve this answer

                                New contributor

                                Smock is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

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                                Smock is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                answered 12 hours ago




                                New contributor

                                Smock is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                New contributor

                                Smock is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                Smock is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                • $begingroup$
                                  +1 for flare guns. Instead of simply being single-use, they could have a "weapon" mode just in case.
                                  – Shawn V. Wilson
                                  1 hour ago

                                • $begingroup$
                                  +1 for flare guns. Instead of simply being single-use, they could have a "weapon" mode just in case.
                                  – Shawn V. Wilson
                                  1 hour ago

                                +1 for flare guns. Instead of simply being single-use, they could have a "weapon" mode just in case.
                                – Shawn V. Wilson
                                1 hour ago

                                +1 for flare guns. Instead of simply being single-use, they could have a "weapon" mode just in case.
                                – Shawn V. Wilson
                                1 hour ago




                                Due to security reason all personnel have to go through thorough screening and checks

                                These checks do not end all of the possible security issues. They just ensure that a single individual or ar small group does not pose a significant threat.

                                But what if a group of individuals become the threat? Physical force is still a thing, and if a number of individuals mutiny or revolt, they could be dangerous, either by attacking the loyal crew or accessing critical parts of the ship.

                                Not to mention that people can become very imaginative when it comes to improvised weapon design.

                                To put an example, we already have places were people are very careful screened to avoid them inserting weapons in a controlled environments. Yet improvised weapons are made (shivs and the like), revolts do occasionally happen, and the guards do have weapons and/or have support from armed security forces readily available.

                                Imagine the situation in a spaceship where external support is not available and everyone on board knows about it.

                                share|improve this answer


                                • 1

                                  Also, no "screening and checks" can really "ensure" anything, merely make it more difficult for people with bad intentions to get through. All it takes is one thief or spy or traitor to cause a great deal of damage, if everyone else is helpless.
                                  – Joe
                                  8 hours ago




                                Due to security reason all personnel have to go through thorough screening and checks

                                These checks do not end all of the possible security issues. They just ensure that a single individual or ar small group does not pose a significant threat.

                                But what if a group of individuals become the threat? Physical force is still a thing, and if a number of individuals mutiny or revolt, they could be dangerous, either by attacking the loyal crew or accessing critical parts of the ship.

                                Not to mention that people can become very imaginative when it comes to improvised weapon design.

                                To put an example, we already have places were people are very careful screened to avoid them inserting weapons in a controlled environments. Yet improvised weapons are made (shivs and the like), revolts do occasionally happen, and the guards do have weapons and/or have support from armed security forces readily available.

                                Imagine the situation in a spaceship where external support is not available and everyone on board knows about it.

                                share|improve this answer


                                • 1

                                  Also, no "screening and checks" can really "ensure" anything, merely make it more difficult for people with bad intentions to get through. All it takes is one thief or spy or traitor to cause a great deal of damage, if everyone else is helpless.
                                  – Joe
                                  8 hours ago






                                Due to security reason all personnel have to go through thorough screening and checks

                                These checks do not end all of the possible security issues. They just ensure that a single individual or ar small group does not pose a significant threat.

                                But what if a group of individuals become the threat? Physical force is still a thing, and if a number of individuals mutiny or revolt, they could be dangerous, either by attacking the loyal crew or accessing critical parts of the ship.

                                Not to mention that people can become very imaginative when it comes to improvised weapon design.

                                To put an example, we already have places were people are very careful screened to avoid them inserting weapons in a controlled environments. Yet improvised weapons are made (shivs and the like), revolts do occasionally happen, and the guards do have weapons and/or have support from armed security forces readily available.

                                Imagine the situation in a spaceship where external support is not available and everyone on board knows about it.

                                share|improve this answer



                                Due to security reason all personnel have to go through thorough screening and checks

                                These checks do not end all of the possible security issues. They just ensure that a single individual or ar small group does not pose a significant threat.

                                But what if a group of individuals become the threat? Physical force is still a thing, and if a number of individuals mutiny or revolt, they could be dangerous, either by attacking the loyal crew or accessing critical parts of the ship.

                                Not to mention that people can become very imaginative when it comes to improvised weapon design.

                                To put an example, we already have places were people are very careful screened to avoid them inserting weapons in a controlled environments. Yet improvised weapons are made (shivs and the like), revolts do occasionally happen, and the guards do have weapons and/or have support from armed security forces readily available.

                                Imagine the situation in a spaceship where external support is not available and everyone on board knows about it.

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                answered 14 hours ago




                                • 1

                                  Also, no "screening and checks" can really "ensure" anything, merely make it more difficult for people with bad intentions to get through. All it takes is one thief or spy or traitor to cause a great deal of damage, if everyone else is helpless.
                                  – Joe
                                  8 hours ago

                                • 1

                                  Also, no "screening and checks" can really "ensure" anything, merely make it more difficult for people with bad intentions to get through. All it takes is one thief or spy or traitor to cause a great deal of damage, if everyone else is helpless.
                                  – Joe
                                  8 hours ago



                                Also, no "screening and checks" can really "ensure" anything, merely make it more difficult for people with bad intentions to get through. All it takes is one thief or spy or traitor to cause a great deal of damage, if everyone else is helpless.
                                – Joe
                                8 hours ago

                                Also, no "screening and checks" can really "ensure" anything, merely make it more difficult for people with bad intentions to get through. All it takes is one thief or spy or traitor to cause a great deal of damage, if everyone else is helpless.
                                – Joe
                                8 hours ago



                                There used to be a good reason, so it was written into law and no-one has bothered to change it. Or maybe it's a religious thing.

                                See https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1370385/Navy-up-in-arms-over-challenge-to-sword-protocol.html for inspiration.

                                share|improve this answer

                                New contributor

                                Anthony Ebert is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.




                                  There used to be a good reason, so it was written into law and no-one has bothered to change it. Or maybe it's a religious thing.

                                  See https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1370385/Navy-up-in-arms-over-challenge-to-sword-protocol.html for inspiration.

                                  share|improve this answer

                                  New contributor

                                  Anthony Ebert is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                  Check out our Code of Conduct.






                                    There used to be a good reason, so it was written into law and no-one has bothered to change it. Or maybe it's a religious thing.

                                    See https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1370385/Navy-up-in-arms-over-challenge-to-sword-protocol.html for inspiration.

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    New contributor

                                    Anthony Ebert is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                    Check out our Code of Conduct.


                                    There used to be a good reason, so it was written into law and no-one has bothered to change it. Or maybe it's a religious thing.

                                    See https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1370385/Navy-up-in-arms-over-challenge-to-sword-protocol.html for inspiration.

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    New contributor

                                    Anthony Ebert is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    edited 11 hours ago

                                    New contributor

                                    Anthony Ebert is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                    answered 11 hours ago

                                    Anthony EbertAnthony Ebert



                                    New contributor

                                    Anthony Ebert is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                    New contributor

                                    Anthony Ebert is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                    Anthony Ebert is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                        In space, accidents happen.

                                        Just start some rumor, that space pirates/aliens/spies (or whatever fits your story the best) are responsible for those accidents (like missing people/spaceships). Until the investigations are closed and the results satisfy your astronauts, everyone starts to carry firearms "just in case". You can make those investigations really long, or maybe the custom to carry can stay.

                                        You can also make one legitimate incident, where some madman started attacking his coworkers, and blame guns on him (shootings happen on Earth all the time), also an incident like this might be the best reason to introduce those checks in the first place.

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        New contributor

                                        Nyos is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                        • $begingroup$
                                          On the "legitimate incident" paragraph: the reverse is more likely, with weapons being banned from the ships. Despite a number of deaths and attempted murders at Antarctic bases, no one has started equipping them with guns. Instead, the Russians banned chess.
                                          – Chronocidal
                                          10 hours ago

                                        • $begingroup$
                                          @Chronocidal: Good point! But there are countries with high crime and restictive gun laws, low crime with few guns, low crime with lot of guns, and high crime rates with guns. Also, the attitude towards guns have an effect on the crimes committed as well (without guns available, there won't be many gun-related crimes, but more crimes that could've been prevented by an armed bystander/victim). If Russia had more liberal gun culture, that would influence their attempts to protect themselves, whether they're in a research station or a spacecraft. I think choose whatever fits the story the best.
                                          – Nyos
                                          10 hours ago

                                        • $begingroup$
                                          Well, the Americans didn't start taking guns to McMurdo after one of the Chefs attacked two others with a hammer in 1996 - so "liberal gun culture" doesn't seem to apply. (Of note: both Outer Space and the Antarctic Circle - south of 60° - are currently the subject of treaties that restrict firearms or military presence, which is why I consider it to be a good comparison. The treaty would need a reason to be reworked first.)
                                          – Chronocidal
                                          10 hours ago

                                        • $begingroup$
                                          I think you pointed out perfectly why Americans didn't bring guns there. In OP's world that treaty has to be dealt with as well if he wants guns in space. But that's another matter. Also, the US is divided on this issue, more or less along party lines. So that also explains the lack of guns. But thanks for that, it's a valid point that needs an explanation if OP chooses this route.
                                          – Nyos
                                          9 hours ago



                                        In space, accidents happen.

                                        Just start some rumor, that space pirates/aliens/spies (or whatever fits your story the best) are responsible for those accidents (like missing people/spaceships). Until the investigations are closed and the results satisfy your astronauts, everyone starts to carry firearms "just in case". You can make those investigations really long, or maybe the custom to carry can stay.

                                        You can also make one legitimate incident, where some madman started attacking his coworkers, and blame guns on him (shootings happen on Earth all the time), also an incident like this might be the best reason to introduce those checks in the first place.

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        New contributor

                                        Nyos is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.


                                        • $begingroup$
                                          On the "legitimate incident" paragraph: the reverse is more likely, with weapons being banned from the ships. Despite a number of deaths and attempted murders at Antarctic bases, no one has started equipping them with guns. Instead, the Russians banned chess.
                                          – Chronocidal
                                          10 hours ago

                                        • $begingroup$
                                          @Chronocidal: Good point! But there are countries with high crime and restictive gun laws, low crime with few guns, low crime with lot of guns, and high crime rates with guns. Also, the attitude towards guns have an effect on the crimes committed as well (without guns available, there won't be many gun-related crimes, but more crimes that could've been prevented by an armed bystander/victim). If Russia had more liberal gun culture, that would influence their attempts to protect themselves, whether they're in a research station or a spacecraft. I think choose whatever fits the story the best.
                                          – Nyos
                                          10 hours ago

                                        • $begingroup$
                                          Well, the Americans didn't start taking guns to McMurdo after one of the Chefs attacked two others with a hammer in 1996 - so "liberal gun culture" doesn't seem to apply. (Of note: both Outer Space and the Antarctic Circle - south of 60° - are currently the subject of treaties that restrict firearms or military presence, which is why I consider it to be a good comparison. The treaty would need a reason to be reworked first.)
                                          – Chronocidal
                                          10 hours ago

                                        • $begingroup$
                                          I think you pointed out perfectly why Americans didn't bring guns there. In OP's world that treaty has to be dealt with as well if he wants guns in space. But that's another matter. Also, the US is divided on this issue, more or less along party lines. So that also explains the lack of guns. But thanks for that, it's a valid point that needs an explanation if OP chooses this route.
                                          – Nyos
                                          9 hours ago





                                        In space, accidents happen.

                                        Just start some rumor, that space pirates/aliens/spies (or whatever fits your story the best) are responsible for those accidents (like missing people/spaceships). Until the investigations are closed and the results satisfy your astronauts, everyone starts to carry firearms "just in case". You can make those investigations really long, or maybe the custom to carry can stay.

                                        You can also make one legitimate incident, where some madman started attacking his coworkers, and blame guns on him (shootings happen on Earth all the time), also an incident like this might be the best reason to introduce those checks in the first place.

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        New contributor

                                        Nyos is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.


                                        In space, accidents happen.

                                        Just start some rumor, that space pirates/aliens/spies (or whatever fits your story the best) are responsible for those accidents (like missing people/spaceships). Until the investigations are closed and the results satisfy your astronauts, everyone starts to carry firearms "just in case". You can make those investigations really long, or maybe the custom to carry can stay.

                                        You can also make one legitimate incident, where some madman started attacking his coworkers, and blame guns on him (shootings happen on Earth all the time), also an incident like this might be the best reason to introduce those checks in the first place.

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        New contributor

                                        Nyos is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        New contributor

                                        Nyos is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                        answered 14 hours ago




                                        New contributor

                                        Nyos is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                        New contributor

                                        Nyos is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                        Nyos is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                        • $begingroup$
                                          On the "legitimate incident" paragraph: the reverse is more likely, with weapons being banned from the ships. Despite a number of deaths and attempted murders at Antarctic bases, no one has started equipping them with guns. Instead, the Russians banned chess.
                                          – Chronocidal
                                          10 hours ago

                                        • $begingroup$
                                          @Chronocidal: Good point! But there are countries with high crime and restictive gun laws, low crime with few guns, low crime with lot of guns, and high crime rates with guns. Also, the attitude towards guns have an effect on the crimes committed as well (without guns available, there won't be many gun-related crimes, but more crimes that could've been prevented by an armed bystander/victim). If Russia had more liberal gun culture, that would influence their attempts to protect themselves, whether they're in a research station or a spacecraft. I think choose whatever fits the story the best.
                                          – Nyos
                                          10 hours ago

                                        • $begingroup$
                                          Well, the Americans didn't start taking guns to McMurdo after one of the Chefs attacked two others with a hammer in 1996 - so "liberal gun culture" doesn't seem to apply. (Of note: both Outer Space and the Antarctic Circle - south of 60° - are currently the subject of treaties that restrict firearms or military presence, which is why I consider it to be a good comparison. The treaty would need a reason to be reworked first.)
                                          – Chronocidal
                                          10 hours ago

                                        • $begingroup$
                                          I think you pointed out perfectly why Americans didn't bring guns there. In OP's world that treaty has to be dealt with as well if he wants guns in space. But that's another matter. Also, the US is divided on this issue, more or less along party lines. So that also explains the lack of guns. But thanks for that, it's a valid point that needs an explanation if OP chooses this route.
                                          – Nyos
                                          9 hours ago

                                        • $begingroup$
                                          On the "legitimate incident" paragraph: the reverse is more likely, with weapons being banned from the ships. Despite a number of deaths and attempted murders at Antarctic bases, no one has started equipping them with guns. Instead, the Russians banned chess.
                                          – Chronocidal
                                          10 hours ago

                                        • $begingroup$
                                          @Chronocidal: Good point! But there are countries with high crime and restictive gun laws, low crime with few guns, low crime with lot of guns, and high crime rates with guns. Also, the attitude towards guns have an effect on the crimes committed as well (without guns available, there won't be many gun-related crimes, but more crimes that could've been prevented by an armed bystander/victim). If Russia had more liberal gun culture, that would influence their attempts to protect themselves, whether they're in a research station or a spacecraft. I think choose whatever fits the story the best.
                                          – Nyos
                                          10 hours ago

                                        • $begingroup$
                                          Well, the Americans didn't start taking guns to McMurdo after one of the Chefs attacked two others with a hammer in 1996 - so "liberal gun culture" doesn't seem to apply. (Of note: both Outer Space and the Antarctic Circle - south of 60° - are currently the subject of treaties that restrict firearms or military presence, which is why I consider it to be a good comparison. The treaty would need a reason to be reworked first.)
                                          – Chronocidal
                                          10 hours ago

                                        • $begingroup$
                                          I think you pointed out perfectly why Americans didn't bring guns there. In OP's world that treaty has to be dealt with as well if he wants guns in space. But that's another matter. Also, the US is divided on this issue, more or less along party lines. So that also explains the lack of guns. But thanks for that, it's a valid point that needs an explanation if OP chooses this route.
                                          – Nyos
                                          9 hours ago

                                        On the "legitimate incident" paragraph: the reverse is more likely, with weapons being banned from the ships. Despite a number of deaths and attempted murders at Antarctic bases, no one has started equipping them with guns. Instead, the Russians banned chess.
                                        – Chronocidal
                                        10 hours ago

                                        On the "legitimate incident" paragraph: the reverse is more likely, with weapons being banned from the ships. Despite a number of deaths and attempted murders at Antarctic bases, no one has started equipping them with guns. Instead, the Russians banned chess.
                                        – Chronocidal
                                        10 hours ago

                                        @Chronocidal: Good point! But there are countries with high crime and restictive gun laws, low crime with few guns, low crime with lot of guns, and high crime rates with guns. Also, the attitude towards guns have an effect on the crimes committed as well (without guns available, there won't be many gun-related crimes, but more crimes that could've been prevented by an armed bystander/victim). If Russia had more liberal gun culture, that would influence their attempts to protect themselves, whether they're in a research station or a spacecraft. I think choose whatever fits the story the best.
                                        – Nyos
                                        10 hours ago

                                        @Chronocidal: Good point! But there are countries with high crime and restictive gun laws, low crime with few guns, low crime with lot of guns, and high crime rates with guns. Also, the attitude towards guns have an effect on the crimes committed as well (without guns available, there won't be many gun-related crimes, but more crimes that could've been prevented by an armed bystander/victim). If Russia had more liberal gun culture, that would influence their attempts to protect themselves, whether they're in a research station or a spacecraft. I think choose whatever fits the story the best.
                                        – Nyos
                                        10 hours ago

                                        Well, the Americans didn't start taking guns to McMurdo after one of the Chefs attacked two others with a hammer in 1996 - so "liberal gun culture" doesn't seem to apply. (Of note: both Outer Space and the Antarctic Circle - south of 60° - are currently the subject of treaties that restrict firearms or military presence, which is why I consider it to be a good comparison. The treaty would need a reason to be reworked first.)
                                        – Chronocidal
                                        10 hours ago

                                        Well, the Americans didn't start taking guns to McMurdo after one of the Chefs attacked two others with a hammer in 1996 - so "liberal gun culture" doesn't seem to apply. (Of note: both Outer Space and the Antarctic Circle - south of 60° - are currently the subject of treaties that restrict firearms or military presence, which is why I consider it to be a good comparison. The treaty would need a reason to be reworked first.)
                                        – Chronocidal
                                        10 hours ago

                                        I think you pointed out perfectly why Americans didn't bring guns there. In OP's world that treaty has to be dealt with as well if he wants guns in space. But that's another matter. Also, the US is divided on this issue, more or less along party lines. So that also explains the lack of guns. But thanks for that, it's a valid point that needs an explanation if OP chooses this route.
                                        – Nyos
                                        9 hours ago

                                        I think you pointed out perfectly why Americans didn't bring guns there. In OP's world that treaty has to be dealt with as well if he wants guns in space. But that's another matter. Also, the US is divided on this issue, more or less along party lines. So that also explains the lack of guns. But thanks for that, it's a valid point that needs an explanation if OP chooses this route.
                                        – Nyos
                                        9 hours ago



                                        Everyone may like the treaty and have good intent, but that's very different from trust. It's the same reason every good guy in the wild west had a people-shootin' pistol and the quickest trigger finger: because everyone else already has one. You don't have to have one, but it helps you sleep soundly knowing it's there.

                                        share|improve this answer




                                          Everyone may like the treaty and have good intent, but that's very different from trust. It's the same reason every good guy in the wild west had a people-shootin' pistol and the quickest trigger finger: because everyone else already has one. You don't have to have one, but it helps you sleep soundly knowing it's there.

                                          share|improve this answer






                                            Everyone may like the treaty and have good intent, but that's very different from trust. It's the same reason every good guy in the wild west had a people-shootin' pistol and the quickest trigger finger: because everyone else already has one. You don't have to have one, but it helps you sleep soundly knowing it's there.

                                            share|improve this answer


                                            Everyone may like the treaty and have good intent, but that's very different from trust. It's the same reason every good guy in the wild west had a people-shootin' pistol and the quickest trigger finger: because everyone else already has one. You don't have to have one, but it helps you sleep soundly knowing it's there.

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            edited 6 hours ago

                                            answered 6 hours ago






                                                Space Rats!

                                                Huge freakin' space rats immune to poison and too smart to eat cheese off a loaded spring trap. Too big to stick to a sheet of cardboard with glue on one side too.

                                                It's either shoot 'em or trick 'em into going into the airlock.

                                                share|improve this answer




                                                  Space Rats!

                                                  Huge freakin' space rats immune to poison and too smart to eat cheese off a loaded spring trap. Too big to stick to a sheet of cardboard with glue on one side too.

                                                  It's either shoot 'em or trick 'em into going into the airlock.

                                                  share|improve this answer






                                                    Space Rats!

                                                    Huge freakin' space rats immune to poison and too smart to eat cheese off a loaded spring trap. Too big to stick to a sheet of cardboard with glue on one side too.

                                                    It's either shoot 'em or trick 'em into going into the airlock.

                                                    share|improve this answer


                                                    Space Rats!

                                                    Huge freakin' space rats immune to poison and too smart to eat cheese off a loaded spring trap. Too big to stick to a sheet of cardboard with glue on one side too.

                                                    It's either shoot 'em or trick 'em into going into the airlock.

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    answered 5 hours ago






                                                        You never know if a person may become mad or commit a crime on board. Space is exhausting, that can happen.

                                                        The captain and security must have weapons to arrest, take down or kill that person. Also, that gives authority to them, useful if there is unrest on the ship.

                                                        share|improve this answer




                                                          You never know if a person may become mad or commit a crime on board. Space is exhausting, that can happen.

                                                          The captain and security must have weapons to arrest, take down or kill that person. Also, that gives authority to them, useful if there is unrest on the ship.

                                                          share|improve this answer






                                                            You never know if a person may become mad or commit a crime on board. Space is exhausting, that can happen.

                                                            The captain and security must have weapons to arrest, take down or kill that person. Also, that gives authority to them, useful if there is unrest on the ship.

                                                            share|improve this answer


                                                            You never know if a person may become mad or commit a crime on board. Space is exhausting, that can happen.

                                                            The captain and security must have weapons to arrest, take down or kill that person. Also, that gives authority to them, useful if there is unrest on the ship.

                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                            answered 5 hours ago

                                                            Ender LookEnder Look





                                                                I think I read this request as more of a "what excuse can I find for having a weapon on board" and not so much the reason for why one would have it on board at all. Like your story depends on there being a weapon when you have no logical reason for it being there in the first place.

                                                                Let's look at it from a corporate greed level. Suppose you were a massive arms producer and you wanted to ensure the next generation of interstellar networks all carry your brand and are guaranteed a minimum purchase value of $xxx for the latest interstellar security administration approved firearm on every vessel in active service - both private and other. Lobbyists go to work, somehow it gets on a ballot, and yay, it's approved. Interstellar violence can now proceed as planned and profited.

                                                                So now, even small rental space station travel vehicles are required by law to have at least one approved weapon on board for "security reasons" and loh and behold, you now have a gun for use in your story where there would otherwise not be one. Even in an automated vending machine restocking vehicle. If a human CAN travel in it, it has to have a weapon on board. By law. Yay the power of greed!

                                                                share|improve this answer




                                                                  I think I read this request as more of a "what excuse can I find for having a weapon on board" and not so much the reason for why one would have it on board at all. Like your story depends on there being a weapon when you have no logical reason for it being there in the first place.

                                                                  Let's look at it from a corporate greed level. Suppose you were a massive arms producer and you wanted to ensure the next generation of interstellar networks all carry your brand and are guaranteed a minimum purchase value of $xxx for the latest interstellar security administration approved firearm on every vessel in active service - both private and other. Lobbyists go to work, somehow it gets on a ballot, and yay, it's approved. Interstellar violence can now proceed as planned and profited.

                                                                  So now, even small rental space station travel vehicles are required by law to have at least one approved weapon on board for "security reasons" and loh and behold, you now have a gun for use in your story where there would otherwise not be one. Even in an automated vending machine restocking vehicle. If a human CAN travel in it, it has to have a weapon on board. By law. Yay the power of greed!

                                                                  share|improve this answer






                                                                    I think I read this request as more of a "what excuse can I find for having a weapon on board" and not so much the reason for why one would have it on board at all. Like your story depends on there being a weapon when you have no logical reason for it being there in the first place.

                                                                    Let's look at it from a corporate greed level. Suppose you were a massive arms producer and you wanted to ensure the next generation of interstellar networks all carry your brand and are guaranteed a minimum purchase value of $xxx for the latest interstellar security administration approved firearm on every vessel in active service - both private and other. Lobbyists go to work, somehow it gets on a ballot, and yay, it's approved. Interstellar violence can now proceed as planned and profited.

                                                                    So now, even small rental space station travel vehicles are required by law to have at least one approved weapon on board for "security reasons" and loh and behold, you now have a gun for use in your story where there would otherwise not be one. Even in an automated vending machine restocking vehicle. If a human CAN travel in it, it has to have a weapon on board. By law. Yay the power of greed!

                                                                    share|improve this answer


                                                                    I think I read this request as more of a "what excuse can I find for having a weapon on board" and not so much the reason for why one would have it on board at all. Like your story depends on there being a weapon when you have no logical reason for it being there in the first place.

                                                                    Let's look at it from a corporate greed level. Suppose you were a massive arms producer and you wanted to ensure the next generation of interstellar networks all carry your brand and are guaranteed a minimum purchase value of $xxx for the latest interstellar security administration approved firearm on every vessel in active service - both private and other. Lobbyists go to work, somehow it gets on a ballot, and yay, it's approved. Interstellar violence can now proceed as planned and profited.

                                                                    So now, even small rental space station travel vehicles are required by law to have at least one approved weapon on board for "security reasons" and loh and behold, you now have a gun for use in your story where there would otherwise not be one. Even in an automated vending machine restocking vehicle. If a human CAN travel in it, it has to have a weapon on board. By law. Yay the power of greed!

                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                    answered 52 mins ago

                                                                    Kai QingKai Qing





                                                                        Imagine that for some reason you are stuck in the middle of a microgravity environment, with nothing within your reach to pull or push yourself and start moving and no way to get outer assistance.

                                                                        Your only hope to get in motion is to use reaction: expel some mass by exerting a force on it and, by reaction, have the mass exerting a force on you.

                                                                        A gun with the jolt it provides upon firing is a reasonable way to use this principle. You might want to avoid armored shells to avoid damaging the hull and yourself with ricocheting bullets. Dense liquid filled bullets which splash on impact should do.

                                                                        share|improve this answer


                                                                        • 2

                                                                          But you need to wear your weapon before getting stuck in the middle of microgravity. And frankly, it would work the same if you had a water bottle with you (or any other item that could be useful to you also in your regular schedule) that you could throw away.
                                                                          – SJuan76
                                                                          14 hours ago

                                                                        • 3

                                                                          @SJuan76 is right, any object would fill this purpose as well as a gun. And if your solution to temporarily floating out of reach of a solid surface is to start firing off your gun inside the spacecraft, you're probably not going to last very long as an astronaut.
                                                                          – Nuclear Wang
                                                                          9 hours ago



                                                                        Imagine that for some reason you are stuck in the middle of a microgravity environment, with nothing within your reach to pull or push yourself and start moving and no way to get outer assistance.

                                                                        Your only hope to get in motion is to use reaction: expel some mass by exerting a force on it and, by reaction, have the mass exerting a force on you.

                                                                        A gun with the jolt it provides upon firing is a reasonable way to use this principle. You might want to avoid armored shells to avoid damaging the hull and yourself with ricocheting bullets. Dense liquid filled bullets which splash on impact should do.

                                                                        share|improve this answer


                                                                        • 2

                                                                          But you need to wear your weapon before getting stuck in the middle of microgravity. And frankly, it would work the same if you had a water bottle with you (or any other item that could be useful to you also in your regular schedule) that you could throw away.
                                                                          – SJuan76
                                                                          14 hours ago

                                                                        • 3

                                                                          @SJuan76 is right, any object would fill this purpose as well as a gun. And if your solution to temporarily floating out of reach of a solid surface is to start firing off your gun inside the spacecraft, you're probably not going to last very long as an astronaut.
                                                                          – Nuclear Wang
                                                                          9 hours ago





                                                                        Imagine that for some reason you are stuck in the middle of a microgravity environment, with nothing within your reach to pull or push yourself and start moving and no way to get outer assistance.

                                                                        Your only hope to get in motion is to use reaction: expel some mass by exerting a force on it and, by reaction, have the mass exerting a force on you.

                                                                        A gun with the jolt it provides upon firing is a reasonable way to use this principle. You might want to avoid armored shells to avoid damaging the hull and yourself with ricocheting bullets. Dense liquid filled bullets which splash on impact should do.

                                                                        share|improve this answer


                                                                        Imagine that for some reason you are stuck in the middle of a microgravity environment, with nothing within your reach to pull or push yourself and start moving and no way to get outer assistance.

                                                                        Your only hope to get in motion is to use reaction: expel some mass by exerting a force on it and, by reaction, have the mass exerting a force on you.

                                                                        A gun with the jolt it provides upon firing is a reasonable way to use this principle. You might want to avoid armored shells to avoid damaging the hull and yourself with ricocheting bullets. Dense liquid filled bullets which splash on impact should do.

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        answered 14 hours ago




                                                                        • 2

                                                                          But you need to wear your weapon before getting stuck in the middle of microgravity. And frankly, it would work the same if you had a water bottle with you (or any other item that could be useful to you also in your regular schedule) that you could throw away.
                                                                          – SJuan76
                                                                          14 hours ago

                                                                        • 3

                                                                          @SJuan76 is right, any object would fill this purpose as well as a gun. And if your solution to temporarily floating out of reach of a solid surface is to start firing off your gun inside the spacecraft, you're probably not going to last very long as an astronaut.
                                                                          – Nuclear Wang
                                                                          9 hours ago

                                                                        • 2

                                                                          But you need to wear your weapon before getting stuck in the middle of microgravity. And frankly, it would work the same if you had a water bottle with you (or any other item that could be useful to you also in your regular schedule) that you could throw away.
                                                                          – SJuan76
                                                                          14 hours ago

                                                                        • 3

                                                                          @SJuan76 is right, any object would fill this purpose as well as a gun. And if your solution to temporarily floating out of reach of a solid surface is to start firing off your gun inside the spacecraft, you're probably not going to last very long as an astronaut.
                                                                          – Nuclear Wang
                                                                          9 hours ago



                                                                        But you need to wear your weapon before getting stuck in the middle of microgravity. And frankly, it would work the same if you had a water bottle with you (or any other item that could be useful to you also in your regular schedule) that you could throw away.
                                                                        – SJuan76
                                                                        14 hours ago

                                                                        But you need to wear your weapon before getting stuck in the middle of microgravity. And frankly, it would work the same if you had a water bottle with you (or any other item that could be useful to you also in your regular schedule) that you could throw away.
                                                                        – SJuan76
                                                                        14 hours ago



                                                                        @SJuan76 is right, any object would fill this purpose as well as a gun. And if your solution to temporarily floating out of reach of a solid surface is to start firing off your gun inside the spacecraft, you're probably not going to last very long as an astronaut.
                                                                        – Nuclear Wang
                                                                        9 hours ago

                                                                        @SJuan76 is right, any object would fill this purpose as well as a gun. And if your solution to temporarily floating out of reach of a solid surface is to start firing off your gun inside the spacecraft, you're probably not going to last very long as an astronaut.
                                                                        – Nuclear Wang
                                                                        9 hours ago

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