Alexander I (imperator Russiae)

Wikidata-logo.svg Alexander I (imperator Russiae)

Res apud Vicidata repertae:

Alexander I (imperator Russiae): imago

Alexander I (imperator Russiae): subscriptio

Nativitas: 12 Decembris 1777; Petropolis
Obitus: 19 Novembris 1825; Taganrogium
Patria: Imperium Russicum


Munus: Politicus


Religio: Orthodox Christianity


Genitores: Paulus I; Maria Feodorovna
Coniunx: Elizabeth Alexeievna
Proles: Grand Duchess Elizabeth Alexandrovna of Russia, Nikolai Lukash, Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna of Russia, Gustaw Ehrenberg
Familia: Romanov-Holstein-Gottorp


Laurae: Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour, Knight of the Order of the Holy Spirit, Knight in the order of Saint-Michel, Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, Knight Grand Cross of the Military Order of Maria Theresa, Knight of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky, Order of the Black Eagle, Order of St. Andrew, Order of St. George, 4th class, Order of Saint Stanislaus, Knight Grand Cross of the Military Order of William, Order of the Red Eagle 1st Class, Order of the Saint John of Jerusalem, Order of the White Eagle, Order of Saint Louis, Ordo Periscelidis, Order of the Crown, Order of Saint Hubert, Order of the White Falcon, House Order of Fidelity, Royal Order of the Seraphim, Order of the Elephant, Sash of the Three Orders, Order of the Most Holy Annunciation, Order of Saint Januarius, Sacred Military Constantinian Convent, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Ferdinand and of Merit, Iron Cross 2nd Class, Commander's Cross of the Virtuti Militari
Sepultura: Peter and Paul Cathedral

Alexander I imperator Russiae

Alexander I Pauli filius (Russice Александр I Павлович, tr. Aleksandr I Pavlovič; Petropoli natus die 12 Decembris secundum calendarium Iulianum - die 23 Decembris secundum Gregorianum - 1777 ; Taganrogii mortuus est die 19 Novembris secundum calendarium Iulianum - die 1 Decembris secundum Gregorianum - 1825), cognomine Benedictus (Russice Благословенный, tr. Blagoslovennyj), Russiae imperator (1801–1825), Poloniae rex (1815-1825) et Magni Ducati Finlandiae Dux (1809–1825) [1] e domu regnatrice Romanov-Holstein-Gottorp. Alexandro regnante, Napoleo profligatus est.

Notae |

  1. Finniae duces civitatis

Nexus externi |


Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Alexandrum I spectant.


Lexici biographici:  • Большая российская энциклопедия • Encyclopædia Britannica

  • Аммон Ф. Г. В фаворе у кесаря: Александр I и Аракчеев

Paulus I

Imperator Russiae
Nicolaus I

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Haec stipula ad biographiam spectat. Amplifica, si potes!

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