Personae fabularum Game of Thrones

Insigne seriei televisificae Game of Thrones.

Hic habes enumerationem familiarum et personarum de quibus in libris A Song of Ice and Fire et in pelliculis Game of Thrones agitur, a Georgio R. R. Martin conceptis.

Domus Arryn

emblema: falco; sedes: The Eyrie ("nidus"); sententia: As high as honor ("Sicut honor altus")

  • Robin Arryn, matre Lysa Arryn, desponsá Sansa Stark, iuvenis infantilis (cuius partes agit Linus Facioli), in libris "Robert Arryn" appellatus

  • Lysa Arryn, sorore Catelyn Stark, desponso Petyr Baelish (cuius partes agit Catharina Dickie)

Domus Baratheon

emblema: cervus; sedes: Storm's End ("finis tempestatis"); sententia: Ours is the fury ("Furor ad nos pertinet")

  • Joffrey Baratheon, matre Cersei Lannister, patre suppositicio Roberto Baratheon, patre non recognito Jaime Lannister (cuius partes agit Ioannes Gleeson)

  • Myrcella Baratheon, fratre Joffrey Baratheon, matre Cersei Lannister, patre suppositicio Roberto Baratheon, patre non recognito Jaime Lannister (cuius partes agunt Amata Richardson, deinde Nell Tiger Free)

  • Renly Baratheon, fratre Roberto Baratheon, a Melisandre modo magico interfectus (cuius partes agit Gethin Anthony)

  • Robert Baratheon, uxore Cersei Lannister (cuius partes agit Marcus Addy)

  • Selyse Baratheon, marito Stannis Baratheon (cuius partes agunt Sara MacKeever, Tara Fitzgerald)

  • Shireen Baratheon, patre Stannis Baratheon, matre Selyse Baratheon (cuius partes agit Kerry Ingram)

  • Stannis Baratheon, fratre Roberto Baratheon (cuius partes agit Stephanus Dillane)

  • Tommen Baratheon, fratre Joffrey Baratheon, matre Cersei Lannister, patre suppositicio Roberto Baratheon, patre non recognito Jaime Lannister (cuius partes agunt Callum Wharry, deinde Dean Carolus Chapman)

Domus Greyjoy

emblema: kraken; sedes: Pyke; sententia: We do not sow ("Non serimus")

  • Balon Greyjoy (cuius partes agit Patricius Malahide)

  • Theon Greyjoy, patre Balon Greyjoy (cuius partes agit Alfredus Allen)

  • Yara Greyjoy, patre Balon Greyjoy (cuius partes agit Gemma Whelan)

Domus Lannister

emblema: leo; sedes: Casterly Rock; sententia: Hear me roar! ("Rugitum meum audi") et A Lannister always pays his debts ("Homo Lannister semper debita solvit")

  • Cersei Lannister, patre Tywin Lannister, marito Roberto Baratheon, amante Jaime Lannister (cuius partes agit Lena Headey)

  • Jaime Lannister, patre Tywin Lannister (cuius partes agit Nicolaus Coster-Waldau)

  • Tyrion Lannister, patre Tywin Lannister (cuius partes agit Petrus Dinklage)

  • Tywin Lannister (cuius partes agit Carolus Dance)

Domus Martell

emblema: sol hastá transfixus; sedes: Sunspear; sententia: Unbowed, unbent, unbroken ("Nec demissus neque flexus neque fractus"

  • Oberyn Martell (cuius partes agit Petrus Pascal)

Domus Stark

emblema: direwolf ("lupus dirus"); sedes: Winterfell ("saltus hiemalis"); sententia: Winter is coming ("hiems venit")

  • Arya Stark, patre Eddard Stark, matre Catelyn Stark (cuius partes agit Maisie Williams)

  • Bran Stark, patre Eddard Stark, matre Catelyn Stark (cuius partes agit Isaac Hempstead-Wright)

  • Catelyn Stark, sorore Alysa Arryn, fratre Edmure Tully, marito Eddard Stark (cuius partes agit Michaela Fairley)

  • Eddard Stark (cuius partes agit Ioannes Bean)

  • Robb Stark, patre Eddard Stark, matre Catelyn Stark (cuius partes agit Ricardus Madden)

  • Sansa Stark, patre Eddard Stark, matre Catelyn Stark (cuius partes agit Sophia Turner)

Domus Targaryen

emblema: draco triceps; sedes: Valyria, deinde Dragonstone ("rupes draconis"); sententia: Fire and blood ("ignis et sanguis")

  • Daenerys Targaryen, fratre Viserys Targaryen, marito Khal Drogo (cuius partes agit Aemilia Clarke)

  • Viserys Targaryen, a Khal Drogo interfectus (cuius partes agit Henricus Lloyd)

Domus Tully

emblema: truta; sedes: Riverrun ("cataracta"); sententia: Family, duty, honor ("Familia, officium, honor")

  • Brynden Tully (cuius partes agit Clive Russell)

  • Edmure Tully (cuius partes agit Tobias Menzies)

Domus Tyrell

emblema: rosa; sedes: Altus Hortus; sententia: Growing strong ("roborascentes")

  • Margaery Tyrell, aviá Olenna Tyrell (cuius partes agit Natalia Dormer)

  • Olenna Tyrell (cuius partes agit Diana Rigg)

Alia nomina

  • Petyr Baelish, minister et prostitutarum dominus (cuius partes agit Aidan Gillen)

  • Ramsay Bolton, patre Roose Bolton (cuius partes agit Iwan Rheon)

  • Roose Bolton (cuius partes agit Michael McElhatton)

  • Walda Bolton, avo Walder Frey, marito Roose Bolton (cuius partes agit Elisabetha Webster)

  • Gregor Clegane (cuius partes agunt Conan Stevens, Ian Whyte, Hafþór Iulius Björnsson)

  • Sandor Clegane, fratre Gregor Clegane (cuius partes agit Rory McCann)

  • Khal Drogo (cuius partes agit Iason Momoa)

  • Syrio Forel (cuius partes agit Miltos Yerolemou)

  • Lothar Frey, patre Walder Frey (cuius partes agit Thomas Brooke)

  • Walder Frey (cuius partes agit David Bradley)

  • Jaqen H'ghar (cuius partes agit Thomas Wlaschiha)

  • Talisa Maegyr, marito Robb Stark (cuius partes agit Oona Chaplin), cui in librorum serie correspondet Jeyne Westerling

  • Jeor Mormont (cuius partes agit Iacobus Cosmo)

  • Jorah Mormont, patre Jeor Mormont (cuius partes agit Ioannes Glen)

  • Daario Naharis (cuius partes agunt Eduardus Skrein, deinde Michael Huisman)

  • Podrick Payne (cuius partes agit Daniel Portman)

  • Mance Rayder (cuius partes agit Ciarán Hinds)

  • Jojen Reed (cuius partes agit Thomas Sangster)

  • Meera Reed (cuius partes agit Ellie Kendrick)

  • Salladhor Saan (cuius partes agit Lucian Msamati)

  • Ellaria Sand (cuius partes agit Indira Varma)

  • Davos Seaworth (cuius partes agit Gulielmus Cunningham)

  • Matthos Seaworth, patre Davos Seaworth (cuius partes agit Kerr Logan)

  • Jon Snow, patre non legitimo Eddard Stark (cuius partes agit Christophorus Harington)

  • Samwell Tarly (cuius partes agit Ioannes Bradley-West)

  • Jeyne Westerling: vide Talisa Maegyr

Sine nominibus

  • Brienne of Tarth (cuius partes agit Gwendoline Christie)

  • Bronn (cuius partes agit Hieronymus Flynn)

  • Gendry, patre non recognito Roberto Baratheon (cuius partes agit Iosephus Dempsie)

  • Gilly, patre Craster (cuius partes agit Hannah Murray)

  • Hallyne (cuius partes agit Roy Dotrice)

  • Hodor (cuius partes agit Christianus Nairn)

  • Locke (cuius partes agit Noë Taylor)

  • Melisandre (cuius partes agit Carice van Houten)

  • Missandei (cuius partes agit Natalia Emmanuel)

  • Myranda' (cuius partes agit Carlotta Hope)

  • Osha (cuius partes agit Natalia Tena)

  • Ros, prostituta, dominis Petyr Baelish et Varys, a Joffrey Baratheon necata (cuius partes agit Amata Bianco)

  • Shae (cuius partes agit Sibel Kekilli)

  • Tormund (cuius partes agit Christophorus Hivju)

  • Varys, minister eunuchus (cuius partes agit Conleth Hill)

  • Ygritte (cuius partes agit Rosa Leslie)


  • Maester Aemon olim Targaryen (cuius partes agit Petrus Vaughan)

  • Maester Cressen (cuius partes agit Olivarius Ford-Davies)

  • Maester Luwin (cuius partes agit Donaldus Sumpter)

  • Maester Pycelle (cuius partes agit Iulianus Glover)

  • Qyburn, olim maester (cuius partes agit Antonius Lesser)

Bibliographia |

  • Stuart Jeffries, "Game of Thrones – a beginner's guide"; Tom Holland, "Game of Thrones is more brutally realistic than most historical novels" in The Guardian (25 Mar. 2013)

Nexus externi |


Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad actores Game of Thrones spectant.

  • Sitús officiales de Game of Thrones in America et in Britanniarum Regno .mw-parser-output .existinglinksgray a,.mw-parser-output .existinglinksgray a:visited{color:gray}.mw-parser-output .existinglinksgray{color:#ba0000}.mw-parser-output .existinglinksgray{color:#a55858}

  • Game of Thrones Wiki, encyclopaedia de serie televisifica Game of Thrones

  • De 'Game of Thrones' in Indice Interretiali Pellicularum

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