Lymphocytus B

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Lymphocytus B.

Lymphyctus B sive cellula B est lymphocytus cellula systematis immunitatis, quae post stimulationem anticorpora procreant. Itaque cellulae B sunt partis systematis immunitatis adaptivi, hoc est, illae stimulo immunologico creatione anticorporum responsum immunologicum efficiunt. Sine stimulatione cellulae B in statu quiescendi manent[1].


  • 1 Etymologia

  • 2 Historia scientia

  • 3 Nexus interni

  • 4 Bibliographia

  • 5 Notae

  • 6 Nexus externi

Etymologia |

Litera B de Bursa Fabricii orta est.

Historia scientia |

Anno 1947 cellulae plasmaticae locus generandi anticorporum identificatae sunt[2], postea typus singularis[3].

Nexus interni

  • Cancer (morbus)

  • IgG

  • Lymphocytus

  • Lymphoma

Bibliographia |

  • Burnet, FM (1959). The Clonal Selection Theory of Acquired Immunity (Cambridge University Press, Cantabrigia)

Notae |

  1. Franchina DG, Grusdat M1, Brenner D (2018). "B-Cell Metabolic Remodeling and Cancer". Trends Cancer 4 (2): 138-50 

  2. Fagraeus A (1947). "Plasma cellular reaction and its relation to the formation of antibodies in vitro". Nature 159 (4041): 499 

  3. Nossal GJ, Lederberg J (1958). "Antibody production by single cells". Nature 181 (4620): 1419-20 

Nexus externi |

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Z00g,zDTlq zAlJCv1jsoF9ZWrbxvGo5E3I,Pqw,uRB2c1CkOqD

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