Parallele Computing - 2 vs. 4 processor speed
I am evaluating a code which ends with Table having ParallelEvaluate
of a function XXXX[phi, theta, si]
. For a grid of 225 points, a normal 2 processor laptop is taking 7 h as compared to 8.30 h by a high end Xeon 4 processor computer. CPU and memory usage for laptop and computer are about 66% vs 99% and 700MB vs 900 MB respectively. Will be thankful for any suggestion on how to improve the evaluation speed on computer. Thanks
Ea = 500000;
R[0] = {f[0, 1] -> 1/6, f[0, 2] -> 1/6, f[0, 3] -> 1/6,
f[0, 4] -> 1/6 , f[0, 5] -> 1/6, f[0, 6] -> 1/6};
DF[m_] := Table[f[m, n], {n, 1, 6}];
W90 = Sqrt[2]*P*Ec;
W180 = 2*P*Ec;
P = 0.26;
Ec = 100000;
epsilonApplied[phi_, theta_, si_,
m_] = {{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {Ea*Sin[theta]*Sin[phi]}, {Ea*
Sin[theta]*Cos[phi]}, {Ea*Cos[theta]}};
SigmaApplied[phi_, theta_, si_,
m_] = {{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}};
EigenStrain[phi_, theta_, si_,
m_] = {{-0.00333333 (f[m, 1] + f[m, 2]) +
0.00666667 (f[m, 3] + f[m, 4]) -
0.00333333 (f[m, 5] + f[m, 6])}, {-0.00333333 (f[m, 1] +
f[m, 2]) - 0.00333333 (f[m, 3] + f[m, 4]) +
0.00666667 (f[m, 5] + f[m, 6])}, {0.00666667 (f[m, 1] +
f[m, 2]) - 0.00333333 (f[m, 3] + f[m, 4]) -
0.00333333 (f[m, 5] + f[m, 6])}, {0.}, {0.}, {0.}, {0}, {0}, {0}};
ES1 = {{0.768576, 0.00232016, 0.120616, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -2.62804*10^-11}, {0.00232016, 0.768576, 0.120616, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -2.62804*10^-11}, {0.02064, 0.02064, 0.503286, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0}, {0, 0, 0, -1.14762, 0, 0, 0, -3.52489*10^-10, 0}, {0, 0, 0,
0, -1.14762, 0, -3.52489*10^-10, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.191583,
0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, -6.08402*10^7, 0, 0.315028, 0, 0}, {0, 0,
0, -6.08402*10^7, 0, 0, 0, 0.315028, 0}, {2.44999*10^8,
2.44999*10^8, 1.2168*10^8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.369943}};
ES = Rationalize[ES1, 10^-16];
E99 = {{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1/2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0,
0, 1/2, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1/2, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1}};
Lmatrix = {{166000000000, 77000000000, 78000000000, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -4.4}, {77000000000, 166000000000, 78000000000, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -4.4}, {78000000000, 78000000000, 162000000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
18.6}, {0, 0, 0, 43000000000, 0, 0, 0, 11.6, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0,
43000000000, 0, 11.6, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 44500000000, 0, 0,
0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 11.6, 0, -1000*8.85*10^-12, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0,
11.6, 0, 0, 0, -1000*8.85*10^-12, 0}, {-4.4, -4.4, 18.6, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, -910*8.85*10^-12}};
a[1, 1, phi_, theta_, si_] =
Cos[phi]*Cos[si] - Cos[theta]*Sin[phi]*Sin[si];
a[1, 2, phi_, theta_, si_] =
Cos[si]*Sin[phi] + Cos[theta]*Cos[phi]*Sin[si];
a[1, 3, phi_, theta_, si_] = Sin[theta]*Sin[si];
a[2, 1, phi_, theta_, si_] = -Cos[theta]*Cos[si]*Sin[phi] -
a[2, 2, phi_, theta_, si_] = -Sin[phi]*Sin[si] +
a[2, 3, phi_, theta_, si_] = Cos[si]*Sin[theta];
a[3, 1, phi_, theta_, si_] = Sin[theta]*Sin[phi];
a[3, 2, phi_, theta_, si_] = -Cos[phi]*Sin[theta];
a[3, 3, phi_, theta_, si_] = Cos[theta];
CC[1, 1] = CC[2, 2] = 222*10^9;
CC[1, 2] = 108*10^9;
CC[1, 3] = CC[2, 3] = 111*10^9;
CC[3, 3] = 151*10^9;
CC[4, 4] = CC[5, 5] = 61*10^9;
CC[6, 6] = 134*10^9;
CC[1, 4] =
CC[1, 5] =
CC[1, 6] =
CC[2, 4] =
CC[2, 5] =
CC[2, 6] =
CC[3, 4] =
CC[3, 5] = CC[3, 6] = CC[4, 5] = CC[4, 6] = CC[5, 6] = 0;
A = {{1, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 3}, {2, 3}, {1, 3}, {1, 2}};
B[i_, j_, k_, l_, phi_, theta_, si_] :=
Module[{aA = {A[[i]], A[[j]], A[[k]], A[[l]]} }, {a[Part[aA, 1, 1],
Part[aA, 3, 1], phi, theta, si],
a[Part[aA, 1, 2], Part[aA, 3, 2], phi, theta, si],
a[Part[aA, 2, 1], Part[aA, 4, 1], phi, theta, si],
a[Part[aA, 2, 2], Part[aA, 4, 2], phi, theta, si]}];
F[i_, j_, k_, l_, phi_, theta_, si_] :=
Module[{bB = B[i, j, k, l, phi, theta, si]},
Part[bB, 1]*Part[bB, 2]*Part[bB, 3]*Part[bB, 4]];
cfmat[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] :=
F[i, j, k, l, phi, theta, si]*If[k > l, CC[l, k], CC[k, l]], {k,
1, 6}, {l, 1, 6}], {i, 1, 6}, {j, 1, 6}]
Lgrain[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] =
Module[{ rule1 =
Subscript[cf, i, j] -> cfmat[phi, theta, si, m][[i, j]], {i, 1,
6}, {j, 1, 6}]]}, {{Subscript[cf, 1, 1], Subscript[cf, 1, 2],
Subscript[cf, 1, 3], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.4}, {Subscript[cf, 2,
1], Subscript[cf, 2, 2], Subscript[cf, 2, 3], 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -4.4}, {Subscript[cf, 3, 1], Subscript[cf, 3, 2], Subscript[
cf, 3, 3], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18.6}, {0, 0, 0, Subscript[cf, 4, 4],
0, 0, 0, 11.6, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, Subscript[cf, 5, 5], 0, 11.6, 0,
0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Subscript[cf, 6, 6], 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0,
11.6, 0, -2200*8.85*10^-12, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 11.6, 0, 0,
0, -2200*8.85*10^-12, 0}, {-4.4, -4.4, 18.6, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -56*8.85*10^-12}} /. rule1];
H = Lmatrix.(Inverse[ES] - E99);
TrueStrain[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] =
epsilonApplied[phi, theta, si,
m] + (Inverse[
H + Lgrain[phi, theta, si, m]].(Lgrain[phi, theta, si,
m].EigenStrain[phi, theta, si, m]));
TrueStress[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] =
SigmaApplied[phi, theta, si, m] -
H.(TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m] -
epsilonApplied[phi, theta, si, m]);
Et[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] =
If[m == 1, Ea,
Sqrt[Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 7]*
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 7] +
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 8]*
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 8] +
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 9]*
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 9]]];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 1] = -P*Cos[theta]*Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 2] = P*Cos[theta]*Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 3] = -P*Sin[theta]*Cos[phi]*
Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 4] =
P*Sin[theta]*Cos[phi]*Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 5] = -P*Sin[theta]*Sin[phi]*
Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 6] =
P*Sin[theta]*Sin[phi]*Et[phi, theta, si, m];
SE[phi_, theta_, si_,
m_] = -0.5*(Transpose[TrueStress[phi, theta, si, m]].TrueStrain[
phi, theta, si, m]);
SEM[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] = Tr[SE[phi, theta, si, m]];
DC2 := DeleteCases[DeleteCases[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, i], j];
DSC[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] := Module[{diff, tabs, tab36, rules},
rules =
Subscript[cf, i, j] -> cfmat[phi, theta, si, m][[i, j]], {i, 1,
6}, {j, 1, 6}]];
diff =
2*(SEM[phi, theta, si, m] /. rules) -
2*(SEM[phi, theta, si, m - 1] /. rules);
tabs =
Table[2*{PE[phi, theta, si, m, j] -
PE[phi, theta, si, m, i]}, {i, 1, 6, 1}, {j, 1, 6,
1}], {2}], 1];
tab36 =
Table[{If[i == j, 0,
diff /. {f[m, i] -> 0,
f[m, j] -> f[m - 1, j] + f[m - 1, i],
f[m, DC2[[1]]] -> f[m - 1, DC2[[1]]],
f[m, DC2[[4]]] -> f[m - 1, DC2[[4]]],
f[m, DC2[[2]]] -> f[m - 1, DC2[[2]]],
f[m, DC2[[3]]] -> f[m - 1, DC2[[3]]]}] +If[i == j, 0,
If[i == 1 && j == 2 || i == 2 && j == 1 || i == 3 && j == 4 ||
i == 4 && j == 3 || i == 5 && j == 6 || i == 6 && j == 5,
2 W180, 2 W90]], i, j}, {i, 1, 6}, {j, 1, 6}], {36, 3}];
(tabs + tab36)/2
XXXX[phi_, theta_, si_] :=
Last[Reap[X = 1;
Do[Do[dsc = DSC[phi, theta, si, m];
If[(SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[1]]) < 0,
DC[phi, theta, si, m] =
DeleteCases[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[3]]],
SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[2]]];
R[m] = {f[m, SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[3]]] ->
f[m - 1, SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[3]]] +
f[m - 1, SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[2]]],
f[m, SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[2]]] -> 0,
f[m, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[1]]] ->
f[m - 1, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[1]]],
f[m, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[2]]] ->
f[m - 1, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[2]]],
f[m, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[3]]] ->
f[m - 1, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[3]]],
f[m, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[4]]] ->
f[m - 1, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[4]]]} /. R[m - 1];
X = k + 1; Sow[Sort[R[m]]];
If[Sort[R[m]][[All, 2]] != Sort[R[m - 1]][[All, 2]],
Break], R[m] = R[m - 1]; Break], {k, X, 15}], {m, 1,
4}]]]]][[All, 2]]
XX1 = Table[{ParallelEvaluate[XXXX[phi, theta, si]], phi, theta,
si}, {phi, 0, Pi/4, Pi/56}, {theta, 0, ArcCot[Cos[phi]],
ArcCot[Cos[phi]]/14}, {si, 0 Pi, 0 Pi, 0}]
performance-tuning parallelization
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I am evaluating a code which ends with Table having ParallelEvaluate
of a function XXXX[phi, theta, si]
. For a grid of 225 points, a normal 2 processor laptop is taking 7 h as compared to 8.30 h by a high end Xeon 4 processor computer. CPU and memory usage for laptop and computer are about 66% vs 99% and 700MB vs 900 MB respectively. Will be thankful for any suggestion on how to improve the evaluation speed on computer. Thanks
Ea = 500000;
R[0] = {f[0, 1] -> 1/6, f[0, 2] -> 1/6, f[0, 3] -> 1/6,
f[0, 4] -> 1/6 , f[0, 5] -> 1/6, f[0, 6] -> 1/6};
DF[m_] := Table[f[m, n], {n, 1, 6}];
W90 = Sqrt[2]*P*Ec;
W180 = 2*P*Ec;
P = 0.26;
Ec = 100000;
epsilonApplied[phi_, theta_, si_,
m_] = {{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {Ea*Sin[theta]*Sin[phi]}, {Ea*
Sin[theta]*Cos[phi]}, {Ea*Cos[theta]}};
SigmaApplied[phi_, theta_, si_,
m_] = {{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}};
EigenStrain[phi_, theta_, si_,
m_] = {{-0.00333333 (f[m, 1] + f[m, 2]) +
0.00666667 (f[m, 3] + f[m, 4]) -
0.00333333 (f[m, 5] + f[m, 6])}, {-0.00333333 (f[m, 1] +
f[m, 2]) - 0.00333333 (f[m, 3] + f[m, 4]) +
0.00666667 (f[m, 5] + f[m, 6])}, {0.00666667 (f[m, 1] +
f[m, 2]) - 0.00333333 (f[m, 3] + f[m, 4]) -
0.00333333 (f[m, 5] + f[m, 6])}, {0.}, {0.}, {0.}, {0}, {0}, {0}};
ES1 = {{0.768576, 0.00232016, 0.120616, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -2.62804*10^-11}, {0.00232016, 0.768576, 0.120616, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -2.62804*10^-11}, {0.02064, 0.02064, 0.503286, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0}, {0, 0, 0, -1.14762, 0, 0, 0, -3.52489*10^-10, 0}, {0, 0, 0,
0, -1.14762, 0, -3.52489*10^-10, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.191583,
0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, -6.08402*10^7, 0, 0.315028, 0, 0}, {0, 0,
0, -6.08402*10^7, 0, 0, 0, 0.315028, 0}, {2.44999*10^8,
2.44999*10^8, 1.2168*10^8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.369943}};
ES = Rationalize[ES1, 10^-16];
E99 = {{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1/2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0,
0, 1/2, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1/2, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1}};
Lmatrix = {{166000000000, 77000000000, 78000000000, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -4.4}, {77000000000, 166000000000, 78000000000, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -4.4}, {78000000000, 78000000000, 162000000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
18.6}, {0, 0, 0, 43000000000, 0, 0, 0, 11.6, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0,
43000000000, 0, 11.6, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 44500000000, 0, 0,
0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 11.6, 0, -1000*8.85*10^-12, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0,
11.6, 0, 0, 0, -1000*8.85*10^-12, 0}, {-4.4, -4.4, 18.6, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, -910*8.85*10^-12}};
a[1, 1, phi_, theta_, si_] =
Cos[phi]*Cos[si] - Cos[theta]*Sin[phi]*Sin[si];
a[1, 2, phi_, theta_, si_] =
Cos[si]*Sin[phi] + Cos[theta]*Cos[phi]*Sin[si];
a[1, 3, phi_, theta_, si_] = Sin[theta]*Sin[si];
a[2, 1, phi_, theta_, si_] = -Cos[theta]*Cos[si]*Sin[phi] -
a[2, 2, phi_, theta_, si_] = -Sin[phi]*Sin[si] +
a[2, 3, phi_, theta_, si_] = Cos[si]*Sin[theta];
a[3, 1, phi_, theta_, si_] = Sin[theta]*Sin[phi];
a[3, 2, phi_, theta_, si_] = -Cos[phi]*Sin[theta];
a[3, 3, phi_, theta_, si_] = Cos[theta];
CC[1, 1] = CC[2, 2] = 222*10^9;
CC[1, 2] = 108*10^9;
CC[1, 3] = CC[2, 3] = 111*10^9;
CC[3, 3] = 151*10^9;
CC[4, 4] = CC[5, 5] = 61*10^9;
CC[6, 6] = 134*10^9;
CC[1, 4] =
CC[1, 5] =
CC[1, 6] =
CC[2, 4] =
CC[2, 5] =
CC[2, 6] =
CC[3, 4] =
CC[3, 5] = CC[3, 6] = CC[4, 5] = CC[4, 6] = CC[5, 6] = 0;
A = {{1, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 3}, {2, 3}, {1, 3}, {1, 2}};
B[i_, j_, k_, l_, phi_, theta_, si_] :=
Module[{aA = {A[[i]], A[[j]], A[[k]], A[[l]]} }, {a[Part[aA, 1, 1],
Part[aA, 3, 1], phi, theta, si],
a[Part[aA, 1, 2], Part[aA, 3, 2], phi, theta, si],
a[Part[aA, 2, 1], Part[aA, 4, 1], phi, theta, si],
a[Part[aA, 2, 2], Part[aA, 4, 2], phi, theta, si]}];
F[i_, j_, k_, l_, phi_, theta_, si_] :=
Module[{bB = B[i, j, k, l, phi, theta, si]},
Part[bB, 1]*Part[bB, 2]*Part[bB, 3]*Part[bB, 4]];
cfmat[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] :=
F[i, j, k, l, phi, theta, si]*If[k > l, CC[l, k], CC[k, l]], {k,
1, 6}, {l, 1, 6}], {i, 1, 6}, {j, 1, 6}]
Lgrain[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] =
Module[{ rule1 =
Subscript[cf, i, j] -> cfmat[phi, theta, si, m][[i, j]], {i, 1,
6}, {j, 1, 6}]]}, {{Subscript[cf, 1, 1], Subscript[cf, 1, 2],
Subscript[cf, 1, 3], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.4}, {Subscript[cf, 2,
1], Subscript[cf, 2, 2], Subscript[cf, 2, 3], 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -4.4}, {Subscript[cf, 3, 1], Subscript[cf, 3, 2], Subscript[
cf, 3, 3], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18.6}, {0, 0, 0, Subscript[cf, 4, 4],
0, 0, 0, 11.6, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, Subscript[cf, 5, 5], 0, 11.6, 0,
0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Subscript[cf, 6, 6], 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0,
11.6, 0, -2200*8.85*10^-12, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 11.6, 0, 0,
0, -2200*8.85*10^-12, 0}, {-4.4, -4.4, 18.6, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -56*8.85*10^-12}} /. rule1];
H = Lmatrix.(Inverse[ES] - E99);
TrueStrain[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] =
epsilonApplied[phi, theta, si,
m] + (Inverse[
H + Lgrain[phi, theta, si, m]].(Lgrain[phi, theta, si,
m].EigenStrain[phi, theta, si, m]));
TrueStress[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] =
SigmaApplied[phi, theta, si, m] -
H.(TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m] -
epsilonApplied[phi, theta, si, m]);
Et[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] =
If[m == 1, Ea,
Sqrt[Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 7]*
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 7] +
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 8]*
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 8] +
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 9]*
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 9]]];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 1] = -P*Cos[theta]*Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 2] = P*Cos[theta]*Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 3] = -P*Sin[theta]*Cos[phi]*
Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 4] =
P*Sin[theta]*Cos[phi]*Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 5] = -P*Sin[theta]*Sin[phi]*
Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 6] =
P*Sin[theta]*Sin[phi]*Et[phi, theta, si, m];
SE[phi_, theta_, si_,
m_] = -0.5*(Transpose[TrueStress[phi, theta, si, m]].TrueStrain[
phi, theta, si, m]);
SEM[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] = Tr[SE[phi, theta, si, m]];
DC2 := DeleteCases[DeleteCases[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, i], j];
DSC[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] := Module[{diff, tabs, tab36, rules},
rules =
Subscript[cf, i, j] -> cfmat[phi, theta, si, m][[i, j]], {i, 1,
6}, {j, 1, 6}]];
diff =
2*(SEM[phi, theta, si, m] /. rules) -
2*(SEM[phi, theta, si, m - 1] /. rules);
tabs =
Table[2*{PE[phi, theta, si, m, j] -
PE[phi, theta, si, m, i]}, {i, 1, 6, 1}, {j, 1, 6,
1}], {2}], 1];
tab36 =
Table[{If[i == j, 0,
diff /. {f[m, i] -> 0,
f[m, j] -> f[m - 1, j] + f[m - 1, i],
f[m, DC2[[1]]] -> f[m - 1, DC2[[1]]],
f[m, DC2[[4]]] -> f[m - 1, DC2[[4]]],
f[m, DC2[[2]]] -> f[m - 1, DC2[[2]]],
f[m, DC2[[3]]] -> f[m - 1, DC2[[3]]]}] +If[i == j, 0,
If[i == 1 && j == 2 || i == 2 && j == 1 || i == 3 && j == 4 ||
i == 4 && j == 3 || i == 5 && j == 6 || i == 6 && j == 5,
2 W180, 2 W90]], i, j}, {i, 1, 6}, {j, 1, 6}], {36, 3}];
(tabs + tab36)/2
XXXX[phi_, theta_, si_] :=
Last[Reap[X = 1;
Do[Do[dsc = DSC[phi, theta, si, m];
If[(SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[1]]) < 0,
DC[phi, theta, si, m] =
DeleteCases[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[3]]],
SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[2]]];
R[m] = {f[m, SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[3]]] ->
f[m - 1, SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[3]]] +
f[m - 1, SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[2]]],
f[m, SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[2]]] -> 0,
f[m, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[1]]] ->
f[m - 1, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[1]]],
f[m, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[2]]] ->
f[m - 1, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[2]]],
f[m, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[3]]] ->
f[m - 1, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[3]]],
f[m, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[4]]] ->
f[m - 1, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[4]]]} /. R[m - 1];
X = k + 1; Sow[Sort[R[m]]];
If[Sort[R[m]][[All, 2]] != Sort[R[m - 1]][[All, 2]],
Break], R[m] = R[m - 1]; Break], {k, X, 15}], {m, 1,
4}]]]]][[All, 2]]
XX1 = Table[{ParallelEvaluate[XXXX[phi, theta, si]], phi, theta,
si}, {phi, 0, Pi/4, Pi/56}, {theta, 0, ArcCot[Cos[phi]],
ArcCot[Cos[phi]]/14}, {si, 0 Pi, 0 Pi, 0}]
performance-tuning parallelization
add a comment |
I am evaluating a code which ends with Table having ParallelEvaluate
of a function XXXX[phi, theta, si]
. For a grid of 225 points, a normal 2 processor laptop is taking 7 h as compared to 8.30 h by a high end Xeon 4 processor computer. CPU and memory usage for laptop and computer are about 66% vs 99% and 700MB vs 900 MB respectively. Will be thankful for any suggestion on how to improve the evaluation speed on computer. Thanks
Ea = 500000;
R[0] = {f[0, 1] -> 1/6, f[0, 2] -> 1/6, f[0, 3] -> 1/6,
f[0, 4] -> 1/6 , f[0, 5] -> 1/6, f[0, 6] -> 1/6};
DF[m_] := Table[f[m, n], {n, 1, 6}];
W90 = Sqrt[2]*P*Ec;
W180 = 2*P*Ec;
P = 0.26;
Ec = 100000;
epsilonApplied[phi_, theta_, si_,
m_] = {{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {Ea*Sin[theta]*Sin[phi]}, {Ea*
Sin[theta]*Cos[phi]}, {Ea*Cos[theta]}};
SigmaApplied[phi_, theta_, si_,
m_] = {{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}};
EigenStrain[phi_, theta_, si_,
m_] = {{-0.00333333 (f[m, 1] + f[m, 2]) +
0.00666667 (f[m, 3] + f[m, 4]) -
0.00333333 (f[m, 5] + f[m, 6])}, {-0.00333333 (f[m, 1] +
f[m, 2]) - 0.00333333 (f[m, 3] + f[m, 4]) +
0.00666667 (f[m, 5] + f[m, 6])}, {0.00666667 (f[m, 1] +
f[m, 2]) - 0.00333333 (f[m, 3] + f[m, 4]) -
0.00333333 (f[m, 5] + f[m, 6])}, {0.}, {0.}, {0.}, {0}, {0}, {0}};
ES1 = {{0.768576, 0.00232016, 0.120616, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -2.62804*10^-11}, {0.00232016, 0.768576, 0.120616, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -2.62804*10^-11}, {0.02064, 0.02064, 0.503286, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0}, {0, 0, 0, -1.14762, 0, 0, 0, -3.52489*10^-10, 0}, {0, 0, 0,
0, -1.14762, 0, -3.52489*10^-10, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.191583,
0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, -6.08402*10^7, 0, 0.315028, 0, 0}, {0, 0,
0, -6.08402*10^7, 0, 0, 0, 0.315028, 0}, {2.44999*10^8,
2.44999*10^8, 1.2168*10^8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.369943}};
ES = Rationalize[ES1, 10^-16];
E99 = {{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1/2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0,
0, 1/2, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1/2, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1}};
Lmatrix = {{166000000000, 77000000000, 78000000000, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -4.4}, {77000000000, 166000000000, 78000000000, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -4.4}, {78000000000, 78000000000, 162000000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
18.6}, {0, 0, 0, 43000000000, 0, 0, 0, 11.6, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0,
43000000000, 0, 11.6, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 44500000000, 0, 0,
0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 11.6, 0, -1000*8.85*10^-12, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0,
11.6, 0, 0, 0, -1000*8.85*10^-12, 0}, {-4.4, -4.4, 18.6, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, -910*8.85*10^-12}};
a[1, 1, phi_, theta_, si_] =
Cos[phi]*Cos[si] - Cos[theta]*Sin[phi]*Sin[si];
a[1, 2, phi_, theta_, si_] =
Cos[si]*Sin[phi] + Cos[theta]*Cos[phi]*Sin[si];
a[1, 3, phi_, theta_, si_] = Sin[theta]*Sin[si];
a[2, 1, phi_, theta_, si_] = -Cos[theta]*Cos[si]*Sin[phi] -
a[2, 2, phi_, theta_, si_] = -Sin[phi]*Sin[si] +
a[2, 3, phi_, theta_, si_] = Cos[si]*Sin[theta];
a[3, 1, phi_, theta_, si_] = Sin[theta]*Sin[phi];
a[3, 2, phi_, theta_, si_] = -Cos[phi]*Sin[theta];
a[3, 3, phi_, theta_, si_] = Cos[theta];
CC[1, 1] = CC[2, 2] = 222*10^9;
CC[1, 2] = 108*10^9;
CC[1, 3] = CC[2, 3] = 111*10^9;
CC[3, 3] = 151*10^9;
CC[4, 4] = CC[5, 5] = 61*10^9;
CC[6, 6] = 134*10^9;
CC[1, 4] =
CC[1, 5] =
CC[1, 6] =
CC[2, 4] =
CC[2, 5] =
CC[2, 6] =
CC[3, 4] =
CC[3, 5] = CC[3, 6] = CC[4, 5] = CC[4, 6] = CC[5, 6] = 0;
A = {{1, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 3}, {2, 3}, {1, 3}, {1, 2}};
B[i_, j_, k_, l_, phi_, theta_, si_] :=
Module[{aA = {A[[i]], A[[j]], A[[k]], A[[l]]} }, {a[Part[aA, 1, 1],
Part[aA, 3, 1], phi, theta, si],
a[Part[aA, 1, 2], Part[aA, 3, 2], phi, theta, si],
a[Part[aA, 2, 1], Part[aA, 4, 1], phi, theta, si],
a[Part[aA, 2, 2], Part[aA, 4, 2], phi, theta, si]}];
F[i_, j_, k_, l_, phi_, theta_, si_] :=
Module[{bB = B[i, j, k, l, phi, theta, si]},
Part[bB, 1]*Part[bB, 2]*Part[bB, 3]*Part[bB, 4]];
cfmat[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] :=
F[i, j, k, l, phi, theta, si]*If[k > l, CC[l, k], CC[k, l]], {k,
1, 6}, {l, 1, 6}], {i, 1, 6}, {j, 1, 6}]
Lgrain[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] =
Module[{ rule1 =
Subscript[cf, i, j] -> cfmat[phi, theta, si, m][[i, j]], {i, 1,
6}, {j, 1, 6}]]}, {{Subscript[cf, 1, 1], Subscript[cf, 1, 2],
Subscript[cf, 1, 3], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.4}, {Subscript[cf, 2,
1], Subscript[cf, 2, 2], Subscript[cf, 2, 3], 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -4.4}, {Subscript[cf, 3, 1], Subscript[cf, 3, 2], Subscript[
cf, 3, 3], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18.6}, {0, 0, 0, Subscript[cf, 4, 4],
0, 0, 0, 11.6, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, Subscript[cf, 5, 5], 0, 11.6, 0,
0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Subscript[cf, 6, 6], 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0,
11.6, 0, -2200*8.85*10^-12, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 11.6, 0, 0,
0, -2200*8.85*10^-12, 0}, {-4.4, -4.4, 18.6, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -56*8.85*10^-12}} /. rule1];
H = Lmatrix.(Inverse[ES] - E99);
TrueStrain[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] =
epsilonApplied[phi, theta, si,
m] + (Inverse[
H + Lgrain[phi, theta, si, m]].(Lgrain[phi, theta, si,
m].EigenStrain[phi, theta, si, m]));
TrueStress[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] =
SigmaApplied[phi, theta, si, m] -
H.(TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m] -
epsilonApplied[phi, theta, si, m]);
Et[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] =
If[m == 1, Ea,
Sqrt[Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 7]*
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 7] +
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 8]*
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 8] +
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 9]*
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 9]]];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 1] = -P*Cos[theta]*Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 2] = P*Cos[theta]*Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 3] = -P*Sin[theta]*Cos[phi]*
Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 4] =
P*Sin[theta]*Cos[phi]*Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 5] = -P*Sin[theta]*Sin[phi]*
Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 6] =
P*Sin[theta]*Sin[phi]*Et[phi, theta, si, m];
SE[phi_, theta_, si_,
m_] = -0.5*(Transpose[TrueStress[phi, theta, si, m]].TrueStrain[
phi, theta, si, m]);
SEM[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] = Tr[SE[phi, theta, si, m]];
DC2 := DeleteCases[DeleteCases[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, i], j];
DSC[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] := Module[{diff, tabs, tab36, rules},
rules =
Subscript[cf, i, j] -> cfmat[phi, theta, si, m][[i, j]], {i, 1,
6}, {j, 1, 6}]];
diff =
2*(SEM[phi, theta, si, m] /. rules) -
2*(SEM[phi, theta, si, m - 1] /. rules);
tabs =
Table[2*{PE[phi, theta, si, m, j] -
PE[phi, theta, si, m, i]}, {i, 1, 6, 1}, {j, 1, 6,
1}], {2}], 1];
tab36 =
Table[{If[i == j, 0,
diff /. {f[m, i] -> 0,
f[m, j] -> f[m - 1, j] + f[m - 1, i],
f[m, DC2[[1]]] -> f[m - 1, DC2[[1]]],
f[m, DC2[[4]]] -> f[m - 1, DC2[[4]]],
f[m, DC2[[2]]] -> f[m - 1, DC2[[2]]],
f[m, DC2[[3]]] -> f[m - 1, DC2[[3]]]}] +If[i == j, 0,
If[i == 1 && j == 2 || i == 2 && j == 1 || i == 3 && j == 4 ||
i == 4 && j == 3 || i == 5 && j == 6 || i == 6 && j == 5,
2 W180, 2 W90]], i, j}, {i, 1, 6}, {j, 1, 6}], {36, 3}];
(tabs + tab36)/2
XXXX[phi_, theta_, si_] :=
Last[Reap[X = 1;
Do[Do[dsc = DSC[phi, theta, si, m];
If[(SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[1]]) < 0,
DC[phi, theta, si, m] =
DeleteCases[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[3]]],
SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[2]]];
R[m] = {f[m, SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[3]]] ->
f[m - 1, SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[3]]] +
f[m - 1, SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[2]]],
f[m, SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[2]]] -> 0,
f[m, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[1]]] ->
f[m - 1, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[1]]],
f[m, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[2]]] ->
f[m - 1, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[2]]],
f[m, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[3]]] ->
f[m - 1, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[3]]],
f[m, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[4]]] ->
f[m - 1, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[4]]]} /. R[m - 1];
X = k + 1; Sow[Sort[R[m]]];
If[Sort[R[m]][[All, 2]] != Sort[R[m - 1]][[All, 2]],
Break], R[m] = R[m - 1]; Break], {k, X, 15}], {m, 1,
4}]]]]][[All, 2]]
XX1 = Table[{ParallelEvaluate[XXXX[phi, theta, si]], phi, theta,
si}, {phi, 0, Pi/4, Pi/56}, {theta, 0, ArcCot[Cos[phi]],
ArcCot[Cos[phi]]/14}, {si, 0 Pi, 0 Pi, 0}]
performance-tuning parallelization
I am evaluating a code which ends with Table having ParallelEvaluate
of a function XXXX[phi, theta, si]
. For a grid of 225 points, a normal 2 processor laptop is taking 7 h as compared to 8.30 h by a high end Xeon 4 processor computer. CPU and memory usage for laptop and computer are about 66% vs 99% and 700MB vs 900 MB respectively. Will be thankful for any suggestion on how to improve the evaluation speed on computer. Thanks
Ea = 500000;
R[0] = {f[0, 1] -> 1/6, f[0, 2] -> 1/6, f[0, 3] -> 1/6,
f[0, 4] -> 1/6 , f[0, 5] -> 1/6, f[0, 6] -> 1/6};
DF[m_] := Table[f[m, n], {n, 1, 6}];
W90 = Sqrt[2]*P*Ec;
W180 = 2*P*Ec;
P = 0.26;
Ec = 100000;
epsilonApplied[phi_, theta_, si_,
m_] = {{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {Ea*Sin[theta]*Sin[phi]}, {Ea*
Sin[theta]*Cos[phi]}, {Ea*Cos[theta]}};
SigmaApplied[phi_, theta_, si_,
m_] = {{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}};
EigenStrain[phi_, theta_, si_,
m_] = {{-0.00333333 (f[m, 1] + f[m, 2]) +
0.00666667 (f[m, 3] + f[m, 4]) -
0.00333333 (f[m, 5] + f[m, 6])}, {-0.00333333 (f[m, 1] +
f[m, 2]) - 0.00333333 (f[m, 3] + f[m, 4]) +
0.00666667 (f[m, 5] + f[m, 6])}, {0.00666667 (f[m, 1] +
f[m, 2]) - 0.00333333 (f[m, 3] + f[m, 4]) -
0.00333333 (f[m, 5] + f[m, 6])}, {0.}, {0.}, {0.}, {0}, {0}, {0}};
ES1 = {{0.768576, 0.00232016, 0.120616, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -2.62804*10^-11}, {0.00232016, 0.768576, 0.120616, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -2.62804*10^-11}, {0.02064, 0.02064, 0.503286, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0}, {0, 0, 0, -1.14762, 0, 0, 0, -3.52489*10^-10, 0}, {0, 0, 0,
0, -1.14762, 0, -3.52489*10^-10, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.191583,
0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, -6.08402*10^7, 0, 0.315028, 0, 0}, {0, 0,
0, -6.08402*10^7, 0, 0, 0, 0.315028, 0}, {2.44999*10^8,
2.44999*10^8, 1.2168*10^8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.369943}};
ES = Rationalize[ES1, 10^-16];
E99 = {{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1/2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0,
0, 1/2, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1/2, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1}};
Lmatrix = {{166000000000, 77000000000, 78000000000, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -4.4}, {77000000000, 166000000000, 78000000000, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -4.4}, {78000000000, 78000000000, 162000000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
18.6}, {0, 0, 0, 43000000000, 0, 0, 0, 11.6, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0,
43000000000, 0, 11.6, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 44500000000, 0, 0,
0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 11.6, 0, -1000*8.85*10^-12, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0,
11.6, 0, 0, 0, -1000*8.85*10^-12, 0}, {-4.4, -4.4, 18.6, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, -910*8.85*10^-12}};
a[1, 1, phi_, theta_, si_] =
Cos[phi]*Cos[si] - Cos[theta]*Sin[phi]*Sin[si];
a[1, 2, phi_, theta_, si_] =
Cos[si]*Sin[phi] + Cos[theta]*Cos[phi]*Sin[si];
a[1, 3, phi_, theta_, si_] = Sin[theta]*Sin[si];
a[2, 1, phi_, theta_, si_] = -Cos[theta]*Cos[si]*Sin[phi] -
a[2, 2, phi_, theta_, si_] = -Sin[phi]*Sin[si] +
a[2, 3, phi_, theta_, si_] = Cos[si]*Sin[theta];
a[3, 1, phi_, theta_, si_] = Sin[theta]*Sin[phi];
a[3, 2, phi_, theta_, si_] = -Cos[phi]*Sin[theta];
a[3, 3, phi_, theta_, si_] = Cos[theta];
CC[1, 1] = CC[2, 2] = 222*10^9;
CC[1, 2] = 108*10^9;
CC[1, 3] = CC[2, 3] = 111*10^9;
CC[3, 3] = 151*10^9;
CC[4, 4] = CC[5, 5] = 61*10^9;
CC[6, 6] = 134*10^9;
CC[1, 4] =
CC[1, 5] =
CC[1, 6] =
CC[2, 4] =
CC[2, 5] =
CC[2, 6] =
CC[3, 4] =
CC[3, 5] = CC[3, 6] = CC[4, 5] = CC[4, 6] = CC[5, 6] = 0;
A = {{1, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 3}, {2, 3}, {1, 3}, {1, 2}};
B[i_, j_, k_, l_, phi_, theta_, si_] :=
Module[{aA = {A[[i]], A[[j]], A[[k]], A[[l]]} }, {a[Part[aA, 1, 1],
Part[aA, 3, 1], phi, theta, si],
a[Part[aA, 1, 2], Part[aA, 3, 2], phi, theta, si],
a[Part[aA, 2, 1], Part[aA, 4, 1], phi, theta, si],
a[Part[aA, 2, 2], Part[aA, 4, 2], phi, theta, si]}];
F[i_, j_, k_, l_, phi_, theta_, si_] :=
Module[{bB = B[i, j, k, l, phi, theta, si]},
Part[bB, 1]*Part[bB, 2]*Part[bB, 3]*Part[bB, 4]];
cfmat[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] :=
F[i, j, k, l, phi, theta, si]*If[k > l, CC[l, k], CC[k, l]], {k,
1, 6}, {l, 1, 6}], {i, 1, 6}, {j, 1, 6}]
Lgrain[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] =
Module[{ rule1 =
Subscript[cf, i, j] -> cfmat[phi, theta, si, m][[i, j]], {i, 1,
6}, {j, 1, 6}]]}, {{Subscript[cf, 1, 1], Subscript[cf, 1, 2],
Subscript[cf, 1, 3], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4.4}, {Subscript[cf, 2,
1], Subscript[cf, 2, 2], Subscript[cf, 2, 3], 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -4.4}, {Subscript[cf, 3, 1], Subscript[cf, 3, 2], Subscript[
cf, 3, 3], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18.6}, {0, 0, 0, Subscript[cf, 4, 4],
0, 0, 0, 11.6, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, Subscript[cf, 5, 5], 0, 11.6, 0,
0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Subscript[cf, 6, 6], 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0,
11.6, 0, -2200*8.85*10^-12, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 11.6, 0, 0,
0, -2200*8.85*10^-12, 0}, {-4.4, -4.4, 18.6, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -56*8.85*10^-12}} /. rule1];
H = Lmatrix.(Inverse[ES] - E99);
TrueStrain[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] =
epsilonApplied[phi, theta, si,
m] + (Inverse[
H + Lgrain[phi, theta, si, m]].(Lgrain[phi, theta, si,
m].EigenStrain[phi, theta, si, m]));
TrueStress[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] =
SigmaApplied[phi, theta, si, m] -
H.(TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m] -
epsilonApplied[phi, theta, si, m]);
Et[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] =
If[m == 1, Ea,
Sqrt[Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 7]*
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 7] +
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 8]*
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 8] +
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 9]*
Part[TrueStrain[phi, theta, si, m - 1], 9]]];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 1] = -P*Cos[theta]*Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 2] = P*Cos[theta]*Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 3] = -P*Sin[theta]*Cos[phi]*
Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 4] =
P*Sin[theta]*Cos[phi]*Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 5] = -P*Sin[theta]*Sin[phi]*
Et[phi, theta, si, m];
PE[phi_, theta_, si_, m_, 6] =
P*Sin[theta]*Sin[phi]*Et[phi, theta, si, m];
SE[phi_, theta_, si_,
m_] = -0.5*(Transpose[TrueStress[phi, theta, si, m]].TrueStrain[
phi, theta, si, m]);
SEM[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] = Tr[SE[phi, theta, si, m]];
DC2 := DeleteCases[DeleteCases[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, i], j];
DSC[phi_, theta_, si_, m_] := Module[{diff, tabs, tab36, rules},
rules =
Subscript[cf, i, j] -> cfmat[phi, theta, si, m][[i, j]], {i, 1,
6}, {j, 1, 6}]];
diff =
2*(SEM[phi, theta, si, m] /. rules) -
2*(SEM[phi, theta, si, m - 1] /. rules);
tabs =
Table[2*{PE[phi, theta, si, m, j] -
PE[phi, theta, si, m, i]}, {i, 1, 6, 1}, {j, 1, 6,
1}], {2}], 1];
tab36 =
Table[{If[i == j, 0,
diff /. {f[m, i] -> 0,
f[m, j] -> f[m - 1, j] + f[m - 1, i],
f[m, DC2[[1]]] -> f[m - 1, DC2[[1]]],
f[m, DC2[[4]]] -> f[m - 1, DC2[[4]]],
f[m, DC2[[2]]] -> f[m - 1, DC2[[2]]],
f[m, DC2[[3]]] -> f[m - 1, DC2[[3]]]}] +If[i == j, 0,
If[i == 1 && j == 2 || i == 2 && j == 1 || i == 3 && j == 4 ||
i == 4 && j == 3 || i == 5 && j == 6 || i == 6 && j == 5,
2 W180, 2 W90]], i, j}, {i, 1, 6}, {j, 1, 6}], {36, 3}];
(tabs + tab36)/2
XXXX[phi_, theta_, si_] :=
Last[Reap[X = 1;
Do[Do[dsc = DSC[phi, theta, si, m];
If[(SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[1]]) < 0,
DC[phi, theta, si, m] =
DeleteCases[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[3]]],
SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[2]]];
R[m] = {f[m, SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[3]]] ->
f[m - 1, SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[3]]] +
f[m - 1, SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[2]]],
f[m, SortBy[dsc /. R[m - 1], First][[k]][[2]]] -> 0,
f[m, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[1]]] ->
f[m - 1, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[1]]],
f[m, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[2]]] ->
f[m - 1, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[2]]],
f[m, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[3]]] ->
f[m - 1, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[3]]],
f[m, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[4]]] ->
f[m - 1, DC[phi, theta, si, m][[4]]]} /. R[m - 1];
X = k + 1; Sow[Sort[R[m]]];
If[Sort[R[m]][[All, 2]] != Sort[R[m - 1]][[All, 2]],
Break], R[m] = R[m - 1]; Break], {k, X, 15}], {m, 1,
4}]]]]][[All, 2]]
XX1 = Table[{ParallelEvaluate[XXXX[phi, theta, si]], phi, theta,
si}, {phi, 0, Pi/4, Pi/56}, {theta, 0, ArcCot[Cos[phi]],
ArcCot[Cos[phi]]/14}, {si, 0 Pi, 0 Pi, 0}]
performance-tuning parallelization
performance-tuning parallelization
edited 12 hours ago
asked 17 hours ago
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1 Answer
Without knowing the exact function (I assume it's something fairly long, possibly involving integrals or differential equations), I can only make the following suggestions:
It looks like you're using exact numbers. If this is necessary for your application, then there's probably not a lot you can do, but exact numbers usually slow things down substantially. If you can, use Real
numbers (just place a dot after the numbers like {phi, 0., Pi/4., Pi/56.}
. If you need more precision than that but don't necessarily require the infinite precision of exact numbers, you can also do this: {phi, 0`50, Pi/4`50, Pi/56`50}
. This will give you 50 digits of precision to work with which should make your final answer pretty close to the exact answer.
The other thing I would try is:
XX1 = ParallelTable[
{XXXX[phi, theta, si]], phi, theta, si},
{phi, 0, Pi/4, Pi/56},
{theta, 0, ArcCot[Cos[phi]], ArcCot[Cos[phi]]/14},
{si, 0 Pi, 0 Pi, 0}
I think that ParallelTable
is a better way to handle this than ParallelEvaluate
. On a trial function, I see about a 100x speedup. ParallelEvaluate
is simply evaluating your exact same function 4 times at each data point rather than splitting the task into multiple threads.
If you can, combine both things for the best speedup.
I hope this helps a bit! There are some people on here that are amazing at optimizing, perhaps they will be able to improve the speed even more. If it's possible, I would recommend posting your XXXX
function unless it's insanely long.
Thanks @LukasLang ! How do you type grave accents without it interpreting them as the inline code markers? I tried backslashes before them, but that didn’t help.
– MassDefect
16 hours ago
You have to increase the amount of enclosing accents: ``` `` Codewith
accents`` ```. If you need double accents, you enclose the code with three, and so on (edit: for some reason, it doesn't work in the comment section - but you can edit your answer to see how it's done)
– Lukas Lang
16 hours ago
@LukasLang Oh, I see! Thanks!
– MassDefect
15 hours ago
Thanks both of you. three points 1. I do not necessary need to use exact values of (theta, phi) if it can speed up, can use ".". 2. I tried to use ParalleleTable first, but in contrast to your experience, it took 30h/48h for 4/2 processor computer as compared to 8h/7h for ParallelEvaluate. 4 - 8 times slower. 3. How can I combine mean ParallelTable[ParallelEvaluate[. ??
– user49535
14 hours ago
@user49535 As MassDefect already pointed out, usingParallelEvaluate
here does not make sense at all. It enforces that the same value is computed on each of your CPU cores which is why you won't gain any speedup. It really depends on your actual functionXXXX
can help at all. If it is a pure function thenParallelTable
should help.But ifXXXX
has side effects (like modifying data that has to be used by another thread) then it is hard to parallelize the execution. In a nutshell, we cannot give any further suggestions without knowingXXXX
– Henrik Schumacher
13 hours ago
show 2 more comments
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1 Answer
1 Answer
Without knowing the exact function (I assume it's something fairly long, possibly involving integrals or differential equations), I can only make the following suggestions:
It looks like you're using exact numbers. If this is necessary for your application, then there's probably not a lot you can do, but exact numbers usually slow things down substantially. If you can, use Real
numbers (just place a dot after the numbers like {phi, 0., Pi/4., Pi/56.}
. If you need more precision than that but don't necessarily require the infinite precision of exact numbers, you can also do this: {phi, 0`50, Pi/4`50, Pi/56`50}
. This will give you 50 digits of precision to work with which should make your final answer pretty close to the exact answer.
The other thing I would try is:
XX1 = ParallelTable[
{XXXX[phi, theta, si]], phi, theta, si},
{phi, 0, Pi/4, Pi/56},
{theta, 0, ArcCot[Cos[phi]], ArcCot[Cos[phi]]/14},
{si, 0 Pi, 0 Pi, 0}
I think that ParallelTable
is a better way to handle this than ParallelEvaluate
. On a trial function, I see about a 100x speedup. ParallelEvaluate
is simply evaluating your exact same function 4 times at each data point rather than splitting the task into multiple threads.
If you can, combine both things for the best speedup.
I hope this helps a bit! There are some people on here that are amazing at optimizing, perhaps they will be able to improve the speed even more. If it's possible, I would recommend posting your XXXX
function unless it's insanely long.
Thanks @LukasLang ! How do you type grave accents without it interpreting them as the inline code markers? I tried backslashes before them, but that didn’t help.
– MassDefect
16 hours ago
You have to increase the amount of enclosing accents: ``` `` Codewith
accents`` ```. If you need double accents, you enclose the code with three, and so on (edit: for some reason, it doesn't work in the comment section - but you can edit your answer to see how it's done)
– Lukas Lang
16 hours ago
@LukasLang Oh, I see! Thanks!
– MassDefect
15 hours ago
Thanks both of you. three points 1. I do not necessary need to use exact values of (theta, phi) if it can speed up, can use ".". 2. I tried to use ParalleleTable first, but in contrast to your experience, it took 30h/48h for 4/2 processor computer as compared to 8h/7h for ParallelEvaluate. 4 - 8 times slower. 3. How can I combine mean ParallelTable[ParallelEvaluate[. ??
– user49535
14 hours ago
@user49535 As MassDefect already pointed out, usingParallelEvaluate
here does not make sense at all. It enforces that the same value is computed on each of your CPU cores which is why you won't gain any speedup. It really depends on your actual functionXXXX
can help at all. If it is a pure function thenParallelTable
should help.But ifXXXX
has side effects (like modifying data that has to be used by another thread) then it is hard to parallelize the execution. In a nutshell, we cannot give any further suggestions without knowingXXXX
– Henrik Schumacher
13 hours ago
show 2 more comments
Without knowing the exact function (I assume it's something fairly long, possibly involving integrals or differential equations), I can only make the following suggestions:
It looks like you're using exact numbers. If this is necessary for your application, then there's probably not a lot you can do, but exact numbers usually slow things down substantially. If you can, use Real
numbers (just place a dot after the numbers like {phi, 0., Pi/4., Pi/56.}
. If you need more precision than that but don't necessarily require the infinite precision of exact numbers, you can also do this: {phi, 0`50, Pi/4`50, Pi/56`50}
. This will give you 50 digits of precision to work with which should make your final answer pretty close to the exact answer.
The other thing I would try is:
XX1 = ParallelTable[
{XXXX[phi, theta, si]], phi, theta, si},
{phi, 0, Pi/4, Pi/56},
{theta, 0, ArcCot[Cos[phi]], ArcCot[Cos[phi]]/14},
{si, 0 Pi, 0 Pi, 0}
I think that ParallelTable
is a better way to handle this than ParallelEvaluate
. On a trial function, I see about a 100x speedup. ParallelEvaluate
is simply evaluating your exact same function 4 times at each data point rather than splitting the task into multiple threads.
If you can, combine both things for the best speedup.
I hope this helps a bit! There are some people on here that are amazing at optimizing, perhaps they will be able to improve the speed even more. If it's possible, I would recommend posting your XXXX
function unless it's insanely long.
Thanks @LukasLang ! How do you type grave accents without it interpreting them as the inline code markers? I tried backslashes before them, but that didn’t help.
– MassDefect
16 hours ago
You have to increase the amount of enclosing accents: ``` `` Codewith
accents`` ```. If you need double accents, you enclose the code with three, and so on (edit: for some reason, it doesn't work in the comment section - but you can edit your answer to see how it's done)
– Lukas Lang
16 hours ago
@LukasLang Oh, I see! Thanks!
– MassDefect
15 hours ago
Thanks both of you. three points 1. I do not necessary need to use exact values of (theta, phi) if it can speed up, can use ".". 2. I tried to use ParalleleTable first, but in contrast to your experience, it took 30h/48h for 4/2 processor computer as compared to 8h/7h for ParallelEvaluate. 4 - 8 times slower. 3. How can I combine mean ParallelTable[ParallelEvaluate[. ??
– user49535
14 hours ago
@user49535 As MassDefect already pointed out, usingParallelEvaluate
here does not make sense at all. It enforces that the same value is computed on each of your CPU cores which is why you won't gain any speedup. It really depends on your actual functionXXXX
can help at all. If it is a pure function thenParallelTable
should help.But ifXXXX
has side effects (like modifying data that has to be used by another thread) then it is hard to parallelize the execution. In a nutshell, we cannot give any further suggestions without knowingXXXX
– Henrik Schumacher
13 hours ago
show 2 more comments
Without knowing the exact function (I assume it's something fairly long, possibly involving integrals or differential equations), I can only make the following suggestions:
It looks like you're using exact numbers. If this is necessary for your application, then there's probably not a lot you can do, but exact numbers usually slow things down substantially. If you can, use Real
numbers (just place a dot after the numbers like {phi, 0., Pi/4., Pi/56.}
. If you need more precision than that but don't necessarily require the infinite precision of exact numbers, you can also do this: {phi, 0`50, Pi/4`50, Pi/56`50}
. This will give you 50 digits of precision to work with which should make your final answer pretty close to the exact answer.
The other thing I would try is:
XX1 = ParallelTable[
{XXXX[phi, theta, si]], phi, theta, si},
{phi, 0, Pi/4, Pi/56},
{theta, 0, ArcCot[Cos[phi]], ArcCot[Cos[phi]]/14},
{si, 0 Pi, 0 Pi, 0}
I think that ParallelTable
is a better way to handle this than ParallelEvaluate
. On a trial function, I see about a 100x speedup. ParallelEvaluate
is simply evaluating your exact same function 4 times at each data point rather than splitting the task into multiple threads.
If you can, combine both things for the best speedup.
I hope this helps a bit! There are some people on here that are amazing at optimizing, perhaps they will be able to improve the speed even more. If it's possible, I would recommend posting your XXXX
function unless it's insanely long.
Without knowing the exact function (I assume it's something fairly long, possibly involving integrals or differential equations), I can only make the following suggestions:
It looks like you're using exact numbers. If this is necessary for your application, then there's probably not a lot you can do, but exact numbers usually slow things down substantially. If you can, use Real
numbers (just place a dot after the numbers like {phi, 0., Pi/4., Pi/56.}
. If you need more precision than that but don't necessarily require the infinite precision of exact numbers, you can also do this: {phi, 0`50, Pi/4`50, Pi/56`50}
. This will give you 50 digits of precision to work with which should make your final answer pretty close to the exact answer.
The other thing I would try is:
XX1 = ParallelTable[
{XXXX[phi, theta, si]], phi, theta, si},
{phi, 0, Pi/4, Pi/56},
{theta, 0, ArcCot[Cos[phi]], ArcCot[Cos[phi]]/14},
{si, 0 Pi, 0 Pi, 0}
I think that ParallelTable
is a better way to handle this than ParallelEvaluate
. On a trial function, I see about a 100x speedup. ParallelEvaluate
is simply evaluating your exact same function 4 times at each data point rather than splitting the task into multiple threads.
If you can, combine both things for the best speedup.
I hope this helps a bit! There are some people on here that are amazing at optimizing, perhaps they will be able to improve the speed even more. If it's possible, I would recommend posting your XXXX
function unless it's insanely long.
edited 16 hours ago


Lukas Lang
answered 17 hours ago
Thanks @LukasLang ! How do you type grave accents without it interpreting them as the inline code markers? I tried backslashes before them, but that didn’t help.
– MassDefect
16 hours ago
You have to increase the amount of enclosing accents: ``` `` Codewith
accents`` ```. If you need double accents, you enclose the code with three, and so on (edit: for some reason, it doesn't work in the comment section - but you can edit your answer to see how it's done)
– Lukas Lang
16 hours ago
@LukasLang Oh, I see! Thanks!
– MassDefect
15 hours ago
Thanks both of you. three points 1. I do not necessary need to use exact values of (theta, phi) if it can speed up, can use ".". 2. I tried to use ParalleleTable first, but in contrast to your experience, it took 30h/48h for 4/2 processor computer as compared to 8h/7h for ParallelEvaluate. 4 - 8 times slower. 3. How can I combine mean ParallelTable[ParallelEvaluate[. ??
– user49535
14 hours ago
@user49535 As MassDefect already pointed out, usingParallelEvaluate
here does not make sense at all. It enforces that the same value is computed on each of your CPU cores which is why you won't gain any speedup. It really depends on your actual functionXXXX
can help at all. If it is a pure function thenParallelTable
should help.But ifXXXX
has side effects (like modifying data that has to be used by another thread) then it is hard to parallelize the execution. In a nutshell, we cannot give any further suggestions without knowingXXXX
– Henrik Schumacher
13 hours ago
show 2 more comments
Thanks @LukasLang ! How do you type grave accents without it interpreting them as the inline code markers? I tried backslashes before them, but that didn’t help.
– MassDefect
16 hours ago
You have to increase the amount of enclosing accents: ``` `` Codewith
accents`` ```. If you need double accents, you enclose the code with three, and so on (edit: for some reason, it doesn't work in the comment section - but you can edit your answer to see how it's done)
– Lukas Lang
16 hours ago
@LukasLang Oh, I see! Thanks!
– MassDefect
15 hours ago
Thanks both of you. three points 1. I do not necessary need to use exact values of (theta, phi) if it can speed up, can use ".". 2. I tried to use ParalleleTable first, but in contrast to your experience, it took 30h/48h for 4/2 processor computer as compared to 8h/7h for ParallelEvaluate. 4 - 8 times slower. 3. How can I combine mean ParallelTable[ParallelEvaluate[. ??
– user49535
14 hours ago
@user49535 As MassDefect already pointed out, usingParallelEvaluate
here does not make sense at all. It enforces that the same value is computed on each of your CPU cores which is why you won't gain any speedup. It really depends on your actual functionXXXX
can help at all. If it is a pure function thenParallelTable
should help.But ifXXXX
has side effects (like modifying data that has to be used by another thread) then it is hard to parallelize the execution. In a nutshell, we cannot give any further suggestions without knowingXXXX
– Henrik Schumacher
13 hours ago
Thanks @LukasLang ! How do you type grave accents without it interpreting them as the inline code markers? I tried backslashes before them, but that didn’t help.
– MassDefect
16 hours ago
Thanks @LukasLang ! How do you type grave accents without it interpreting them as the inline code markers? I tried backslashes before them, but that didn’t help.
– MassDefect
16 hours ago
You have to increase the amount of enclosing accents: ``` `` Code
accents`` ```. If you need double accents, you enclose the code with three, and so on (edit: for some reason, it doesn't work in the comment section - but you can edit your answer to see how it's done)$endgroup$
– Lukas Lang
16 hours ago
You have to increase the amount of enclosing accents: ``` `` Code
accents`` ```. If you need double accents, you enclose the code with three, and so on (edit: for some reason, it doesn't work in the comment section - but you can edit your answer to see how it's done)$endgroup$
– Lukas Lang
16 hours ago
@LukasLang Oh, I see! Thanks!
– MassDefect
15 hours ago
@LukasLang Oh, I see! Thanks!
– MassDefect
15 hours ago
Thanks both of you. three points 1. I do not necessary need to use exact values of (theta, phi) if it can speed up, can use ".". 2. I tried to use ParalleleTable first, but in contrast to your experience, it took 30h/48h for 4/2 processor computer as compared to 8h/7h for ParallelEvaluate. 4 - 8 times slower. 3. How can I combine mean ParallelTable[ParallelEvaluate[. ??
– user49535
14 hours ago
Thanks both of you. three points 1. I do not necessary need to use exact values of (theta, phi) if it can speed up, can use ".". 2. I tried to use ParalleleTable first, but in contrast to your experience, it took 30h/48h for 4/2 processor computer as compared to 8h/7h for ParallelEvaluate. 4 - 8 times slower. 3. How can I combine mean ParallelTable[ParallelEvaluate[. ??
– user49535
14 hours ago
@user49535 As MassDefect already pointed out, using
here does not make sense at all. It enforces that the same value is computed on each of your CPU cores which is why you won't gain any speedup. It really depends on your actual function XXXX
whether ParallelTable
can help at all. If it is a pure function then ParallelTable
should help.But if XXXX
has side effects (like modifying data that has to be used by another thread) then it is hard to parallelize the execution. In a nutshell, we cannot give any further suggestions without knowing XXXX
– Henrik Schumacher
13 hours ago
@user49535 As MassDefect already pointed out, using
here does not make sense at all. It enforces that the same value is computed on each of your CPU cores which is why you won't gain any speedup. It really depends on your actual function XXXX
whether ParallelTable
can help at all. If it is a pure function then ParallelTable
should help.But if XXXX
has side effects (like modifying data that has to be used by another thread) then it is hard to parallelize the execution. In a nutshell, we cannot give any further suggestions without knowing XXXX
– Henrik Schumacher
13 hours ago
show 2 more comments
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